Powering a Headline with Supercap

Posted by: Jaitch on 24 May 2002

I have trawled through the topic archive to establish whether there is a way of tapping into the supercap power reservoir.
Unable to find a definitive yes/no on this subject.
I am considering buying a headline amp and note that Naim suggest stand alone NAPSC/Flatcap/Hicap.
Do I presume this is so as not to degrade the output voltage in any way.

Grateful for any pointers
Posted on: 24 May 2002 by Jaitch
I should add that my supercap is driving a NAC-82
Posted on: 24 May 2002 by Bosh
I would presume that a headline can be powered by the supercap as with the prefix.

The prefix powered this way does however degrade the sound of the 52 and sounds much better with dedicated PS

An Email to Naim will give the definitive answer though