The Young Gods
Posted by: Ron The Mon on 01 February 2001
Has anyone heard the new Young Gods record? It is
called Second Nature and came out a few months
ago. I have to special order it to get it on vinyl and it is quite expensive. I have about a dozen of their records (all on vinyl) with the exception of the Kurt Weil album which I don't like. I checked
their website, and it also says they're touring again in Europe. Anyone seen them with the new drummer? I saw them twice several years ago and they were fantastic live, see them if you get the chance!!
called Second Nature and came out a few months
ago. I have to special order it to get it on vinyl and it is quite expensive. I have about a dozen of their records (all on vinyl) with the exception of the Kurt Weil album which I don't like. I checked
their website, and it also says they're touring again in Europe. Anyone seen them with the new drummer? I saw them twice several years ago and they were fantastic live, see them if you get the chance!!
Ron The Mon