Densen v Naim

Posted by: Steve B on 31 July 2001

Has anyone heard Densen amps against similar priced Naim amps?

Also the CD player B400 against the CD5?

Steve B

Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Martin D
Steve E Mail me for some comments


Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Steve Toy
I have Densen 200/300 pre/power combination, and it's the dog's bollocks!
I also have CD5/Flatcap2 combo in the same system.
It is the "perfect synergy," as far as I'm concerned!
It challenges an'82/180 for a lot less money!
Go buy! It also images rather well!
As for PR&T, it does that too!
As for the B400, I had it on loan last year, and it's crap: too slow. Get yourself a CD5 as a minimum, then get a Flatcap2 or a Hi-cap for it!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Steve B

Thanks for the reply.

I'll let you know what I think when I've done the demo.

Steve B

Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
Steven's right about Densen amps and the CD player. Their amps are fantastic, full blooded and do all the right things. On the other hand I found their CD players comparatively weak and unrefined.

Build quality is also excellent.

Steven, that seems like a cool system you have. I would be a little sceptical about the Nordorst interconnects (I don't get on with their speaker cable). Have a try (if you haven't already) with some Chord or DNM interconnects.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Andrew, you're absolutely right also.
Nordost speaker cables are absolutely pants - gritty at both frequency extremes, as are Chord Chrysalis interconnects with Densen amps.
I use NACA5 cables and Nordost Solar Wind interconnects, although I'm intending to upgrade the latter to Blue Heaven or Red Dawn.
I know, using different interconnects and speaker cable is "breaking the rules," but it works!
I've tried Chord Anthem interconnects, and they are wonderful, however they are very stiff and difficult to work with. In any case I think for the same money (roughly) Nordost Red Dawn have the edge.
As for DNM, which ones have you tried, and with what equipment.
I have found in my experience that there is no such thing as a "bad" interconnect, only horses for courses!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Andrew Randle

From what I know, there is only one type of DNM interconnect... according to them there is only one correct way of making an interconnect!!! The same goes with their loudspeaker cable

This was in the context of the Resolution Audio CD55/DNM 3C Primus/DNM PAS3/Living Voice OBX-R system. No other interconnects were compared, but I can tell you that they did not muck up the sound. At about £50 they are exceptional value - if you go to they have a section on their cable design.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Steve Toy
You were at the Chester show on 22nd October last year, weren't you! Yes, I liked that system too. I wonder if the DNM interconnects/cables would work with my setup. Only one way to find out....!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
Yep I was there. Kevin Scott (the guy demonstrating the Living Voice/DNM stuff) prevented me from leaving the demo for the last couple of hours of the day - by playing some fantastic music.

Great system too, they also demonstrated at the Bristol Show.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Steve Toy
I turned up in there last thing, so we were both there at the same time.
Did you hear John McEvoy's system (Densen B400/B200/300/Chord Anthem/Chord Oddessy/Ruark CL20s?) Although the Densen B400 was the weakest link IMHO, the whole setup was great. It was one of only two systems at the show that seemed to work musically, the DNM etc. being the other one, although the 5 series with Credos was starting to sing also towards the end of the day, when it had warmed up.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on THURSDAY 02 August 2001 at 04:03.]

Posted on: 02 August 2001 by Andrew Randle

Yep I heard that system, and was well impressed with the new Ruark loudspeakers. Normally I haven't been so impressed with Ruark, but their new CL range is very musical.

At the moment I considering how to build up a 2nd system. Maybe basing it around the new Rega Jupiter 2000 and Densen B100. The B100 was also impressive at Chester, using a Sugden CD player and some strange loudspeakers. I'll also consider searching out another pair of Kan 2s.

I also agree with you about the Series 5 system, at the end of the day they were blasting out "Rage Against the Machine" big grin Plus, it was better than the NBL system, which was in a room that was killing the sound.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 03 August 2001 by Steve Toy
I'm currently using Rega Naos - big floorstanders.
The Densens control them no problem, even in my 2.5 x 3.5m room!
However, I've heard what Credos can really do when you put the electronics on Quadraspire Reference tables, which I have ordered.
A Densen B200/300 versus '72/Hi/180 could be interesting!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink