if ITsounds good, it IS good ?

Posted by: Alco on 29 May 2001

Howdy y'all

I know most ('bout 99%) think Naim's nac-a5 cable is THE only cable in a Naim-system.
I also like the sound of my nac-a5 very much,but... last week I bought me a nice Sound-Factory system support. Looke good,sounds even better. The only thing is,that you see all the cable-spaghetti behind it. ( problem with most racks)
Now, two days ago I connected my old 2x2,5 mtr Transparent "the wave" cable. Sounded very nice to me! Not better then the nac-a5,but not really worse either,to my surprise.

I know the Naim amp manuals talk about safety-warrantees and naca-5 being the only right cable,
but I must confess I like the flexibility and looks of my Transparent cable (far) better. It's way easier to hide and bend.

Maybe I'm thinking to black/white here,but my thought was: "If it sounds right, it IS right"

What I mean is, if this other cable sounds this good, could it still harm my amp ? (Nait-2)

That's all,folks


Posted on: 30 May 2001 by Frank Abela
If the Transparent presents a weird load to the amp, it could hurt it.

Another solution you could use is to get a cable tidy system from a dealer. This is a plastic hose in which you hide your cables. This way you only have one (or two if you want to do one for signal and one for power) largish hose at the back. neatly tied to the stand.

Eventually, the Transparent will bore you...:)


Posted on: 30 May 2001 by Alco
How do I notice if the Transparent cable presents a weird load to the Nait ??

I had this cable for a couple o' years now, and it never failed to impress. on Naim and other amps.
The Cable Talk 3.1 sure DOES show that it present a weird load to the Nait-2, as soon as I hook that up,my amp starts only give VERY much distortion, even at low levels. Even the Naim logo-light starts to dim at the beat of the music.
(very spooky)

I used my Nait with the transparent for about 2 years, and it always sounded pretty good to me..


Posted on: 30 May 2001 by Phil Barry
I haven't looked at a manual in detail since I first got a 62 several years ago. My memory is that the manual did NOT say that only NACA5 could be used; rather, the manual stated that cable that didn't meet certain specs could cause damage and void the warranty. The manual went on to state the specs.

Do current manuals state that A5 is required? Or do they still provide cabling specs?


Posted on: 30 May 2001 by Alco
Hi Phil,

My manual don't provide cable specs.
I know the manual doesn't say that Naim is THE only cable that is right,only that it's highly recommended and if other cables are used the warranty might come in danger.
Well,...since I bought my amp s/h, I don't have any warranty at all.
It's just that I'm curious how to find out when a cable is wrong...

(I don't know any specs of the Transparent)
