
Posted by: garyi on 22 September 2002

I assume naim are having a bit of a laugh with the 'all weather jacket'

Posted on: 22 September 2002 by sceptic
Posted on: 23 September 2002 by Chunny Nochubb
Although it isn’t mentioned in the website, from what I understand the anorak and cufflinks can be used in combination when listening to a Naim hi-fi. The anorak should be worn with the hood on and the arms should be held out horizontally, with the palms of the left and hands vertical towards the respective speakers. The cufflinks should now be at right angles to the speakers in order to reflect the sound up the sleeves and channel it into the hood. The special acoustically reflective lining works to give an overall enhanced musical experience equivalent to say the addition of 2 high caps into the system.
Naim are not advertising the sonic effects of these products because in tests it was found that only the more intelligent testers have perceived any benefit, and the ignorant majority complained of arm ache, overheating and that it was like listening to a hi-fi with an anorak hood on your head, however there maybe plans for an all in one body suit for use with multi-channel systems where the listener is suspended from the ceiling so that the legs can be pointed at the rear speakers.
Of course this is all hearsay and I have not tested it myself.

Posted on: 23 September 2002 by Matthew T
And the anorak should be left on a all times.

Posted on: 23 September 2002 by John Sheridan
The cufflinks should now be at right angles to the speakers in order to reflect the sound up the sleeves and channel it into the hood.

Would gold cufflinks offer better sound than the standard silver?
I hate to think where you'd have to plug in the optional power supply.
Posted on: 24 September 2002 by Tarquin Maynard - Portly
I think it was Jimmy Hughes recommended that the anorak be worn back to front
Posted on: 24 September 2002 by Mick P

You have to admit that the cufflinks are rather good.


Posted on: 24 September 2002 by Bob McC
You're showing your age but nice one!
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Rico
I too wear cufflinks (although not every day) - but am surprised to note you all seem to have such poor eyesight (or reading comprehension) - its actually a silver lapel badge. roll eyes

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Chunny Nochubb
Well that's my theory blown out of the window and I was just contemplating putting them down on xmas list for their aesthetic use rather than sonic, in order to look the part at job interviews, should this ever occur.
Must remember to take “Jewellery Buyer” off list of possible occupations and mean time Naim team, looks like there may be a new product line you could try out – Cufflinks with Naim logo on one link and say a 552 image on the other.

Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Tarquin Maynard - Portly
You're showing your age !

I'm only 27 and have been since 1987...