the difference between a 90 (not the 90r, which is better) and 32.5 was very subtle.
First of all, I assume you mean 92 not 90. Second, I may just be more sensitive to the difference. I compared my 32.5 to Tuan's 92(R?), and I felt that the increased body and better sense of flow were well worth it. The 92 had a pinched, metallic presentation, compared to the smooth, natural 32.5.
BTW, my 32.5 was serviced about 18 months ago, and Tuan's was a store demo, so both should be up to snuff. The source was a CD3, with SNAPS/110/B&W805M downstream. (The SNAPS is comparable in performance to a Flat-Cap.)
As to the price, 200 quid seems a bit much. I believe I got mine for somewhere in the range of 125 pounds (can't remember for sure), and I would think they should be cheaper in the U.K.
Finally, you should be able to sell your 92 for more than you'ld spend on the 32.5, so I can't really see any reason not to make the switch (unless you have a 92R and really like the remote capability).
-=> Mike Hanson <=-