How much is used Naim worth? And when to ReCap S-Caps...
Posted by: tonytronic on 26 May 2002
I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but I am finding it very difficult to gauge just how much (or how little) to consider paying for used Naim equipment, especially given the possible age spans involved.
Obvious questions are how much one might expect to pay for more ancient kit as compared to more recent, when it needs "servicing" or re-capping, and how much that costs?
I'm sure many would find the answers extremely useful, especially as an increasing number of used 52's + power supplies (52PS and Supercap) and other used Naim's come onto the Market...
In particular, there are many 52PS's (and also 'converted' ex-52PS Supercaps) around that are pretty ancient now. The 52PS could date way back to 1990 (and would have been 'converted' anytime after 1995), but the "internals" could be up to 12 years old! (Even an original Supercap could be 7 years old).
Similarly, the 52 pre-amp also could be up to 12 years old by now. Does this also require a service by Naim by now?
As an aside, perhaps Naim might consider providing some kind of life-cycle/service guide for each product, on their Website? (I apreciate why a 'second-hand cost guide' would not be so easy, but that doesn't stop me from wanting one!).
Some learned guidance would be most welcome on this subject!
Obvious questions are how much one might expect to pay for more ancient kit as compared to more recent, when it needs "servicing" or re-capping, and how much that costs?
I'm sure many would find the answers extremely useful, especially as an increasing number of used 52's + power supplies (52PS and Supercap) and other used Naim's come onto the Market...
In particular, there are many 52PS's (and also 'converted' ex-52PS Supercaps) around that are pretty ancient now. The 52PS could date way back to 1990 (and would have been 'converted' anytime after 1995), but the "internals" could be up to 12 years old! (Even an original Supercap could be 7 years old).
Similarly, the 52 pre-amp also could be up to 12 years old by now. Does this also require a service by Naim by now?
As an aside, perhaps Naim might consider providing some kind of life-cycle/service guide for each product, on their Website? (I apreciate why a 'second-hand cost guide' would not be so easy, but that doesn't stop me from wanting one!).
Some learned guidance would be most welcome on this subject!