Help: humming IXO

Posted by: jpk73 on 14 January 2002

I installed my 92/FlatCap/IXO/90s at a friends appartement, but there is a continuous buzz! If I disconnect the IXO and use only one of the 90s, there is no buzz.

Any ideas? - Jun

Posted on: 14 January 2002 by Naheed
Is the hum transmitted througth the speakers ?

It could a faulty nap snaic or or the ixo snaic ?

Additionally make sure the snaics follow pre > *cap > ixo > naps, many a time i make the mistake of connecting the naps and ixo incorrectly ...


Posted on: 14 January 2002 by David Dever
Naim manufactures an unshielded cable similar to that used for NAP 250 / 135 / 500 interconnects, with a DIN-4 plug on each end. This cable was originally created for use with NAP 140 or 180 amplifiers when installed in a SNAXO or NAXO-based active system.

Contact your local dealer or distributor to order two of these; I recently ran across a similar situation with a customer's IXO-based active system here--substituting these interconnects for the black SNAICs solved the problem.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 14 January 2002 by jpk73
Yes, the hum comes from the speakers. But I can play music at the same time, it's just "mixed" with that noise...

I used the same leads in my prior setup (92/IXO/90s/Credos): two grey 4-4 interconnects between IXO and 90s, labeled NA-SY and NA-24; they look exactly like the black Snaic between FlatCap and IXO but grey and clearly thicker than the leads between my Snaxo and the 135s.

1.) Should I try to use black Snaics instead of the grey?

2.) Is it possible that something happened to the plug on the rear of the IXO?

3.) Dave: Thank you for your response! "substituting these interconnects for the black SNAICs solved the problem" - - Sorry for my poor English, but what does this exactly mean?


BTW: the 4-5 interconnect between my (Prefix-)Supercap and input 2a of my nac52 is grey; is that OK?

Posted on: 14 January 2002 by David Dever
These are definitely black, not grey--just like a 250 cable, no shielding, etc... The number on the band means nothing.

Contact your local distributor (Music Line, if you're in Germany).

[This message was edited by David Dever on TUESDAY 15 January 2002 at 15:51.]

Posted on: 15 January 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by David Dever:
Naim manufactures an unshielded cable similar to that used for NAP 250 / 135 / 500 interconnects, with a DIN-4 plug on each end. This cable was originally created for use with NAP 140 or 180 amplifiers when installed in a SNAXO or NAXO-based active system.


I have often wondered why a four-wire SNAIC-4 is required between the pre p/s & (S)NAXO p/s in an active system, since reading this:-

Date: 26-Jun-99 11:15
Author: julian vereker
Subject: No

Snaics carry power as well as signal, this is not required for the connection between the CDSll and the pre-amp.

There is something of a compromise involved here, the Snaic needs to have low DCR because it is carrying the current to power the device, this implies a large conductor, and at the same time low capacitance is desirable for the sound quality, and this (sort of) implies small conductors.

There is no such compromise in a signal only interconnect, hence we use a different cable to make the audio CDSll to pre-amp interconnect.


Surely there would be benefit in using this special 3-wire SNAIC-4 in a revealing active system to connect preamp to crossover?

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 15 January 2002 by Paul Ranson
Is the Hicap/WhateverCap to 250/135 4pin Din to XLR still made of 5 amp mains cable?

(Sounds unlikely...)


Posted on: 19 January 2002 by jpk73
The whole house was not connected to the earth! So I connected the earth-screw at the TT-input of the pre (it was a 92) to the water tap, but the noise was still there although much quieter; then I tried the earth of the cabel-TV-line and the noise totally disappeared.

I hope that is OK!