
Posted by: Reto D on 21 December 2001

Hello altogether

I'm using a NAC 102 with a Hi-Cap and a NAP 250.
What does a Super-Cap instead of the Hi?

(Shall I first upgrade my CDX with a XPS, I'm
wondering if in case the format changes (SACD, DVD) the XPS will be useless for that future format.

Thanks for any thoughts and ideas.


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
I have 102/Hi Cap and CDX/XPS. I have never heard a supercap on the 102 and I am interested if others have but I would have to say that the CDX really goes up several notches with an XPS added.

The player gains real weight and and a much fuller yet more transparent sound. Strongly recomend you have a listen (make sure it is well run in).

As regards format I would be surprised if any future CD players for new formats were not compatible with existing power supplies-certainly Naim have always done this over the years. Don't forget you can also keep the XPS if you want to upgrade to a CDS II later as well.


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Simon Matthews
Only true upto a point. naim try to do this but not at the expense of the performance of their best products. The original nac52 ps is no more as is the CDS1 power supply. The xps and supercap replaced both products.
Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
Sure they get upgraded but they remain compatible I think? AQt least you would not be left with a box that you could not get some use from.


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Simon Matthews
Well if I swapped my original CDS1 PS for a XPS could you give me a good idea for a use for the original PS?
Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
....but if you had the old PS and did not want to spend extra cash on the new one you could still use it....


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Simon Matthews:
Well if I swapped my original CDS1 PS for a XPS could you give me a good idea for a use for the original PS?

Sell it, release some cash, and make a less fortunate Naim owner really happy.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Manu

No questions, go for a XPS.
It is cheaper than a supercap.
You will get more music with the XPS.

IMHO, yes the SC will improve the 102, but it is not a good value for money as the 102 will only use 2 outputs of the SC.
Does it make sense to use a PSU almost twice the price of the preamp it powers? Only if it waits for an 82. 82 + Hicap is far better than 102 + Supercap.


Posted on: 22 December 2001 by davidf
I went 102/hi to 102/super to 82/super. My advice, if your main source is cd, consider xps. If you listen to tuner/vinyl, upgrade to 82 (bargain at second hand). The super was a nice upgrade for my 102, but would only do that if you were thinking of going for 52 in next year. And I don`t think cdx/52 is sensible. take care, david.
Posted on: 22 December 2001 by Paul B
I have owned both 102+Hicap and 102+Supercap combinations. Before purchasing the Supercap I listened extensively to the 82 and 52 as well.

IMO the 102+Supercap with the finest sources (LP12 or CDS2) is very, very good and I believe is at least a match for the 82+Hicap (only 1) if not superior overall to that combination. However, the 82 is definitely better than the 102 when you move to two Hicaps or Supercap.

Admittedly, I chose the 102+Supercap as a stepping -stone to the 52 but I still believe that the 102+Supercap should not be dismissed so easily.
It certainly doesn't use the full potential of the Supercap but neither does the Prefix.

Regardless of preamp, IMO the source should be upgraded first.


Posted on: 22 December 2001 by Bob Edwards

Since you don't appear to have a TT, the XPS is an easy recommendation. CDX/XPS/102/Hicap is better than CDX/102/Super. While a Supercap and the improvement it would have on your system should not be dismissed lightly, an XPS will make an even bigger difference. Closer to the source and all that.

Cheers and happy holidays!
