equipment support tweaks...

Posted by: ken c on 17 May 2001

you will recall quite some time ago i had some interesting results using audiophile bases together with my QS for my cd2 and nac52.

now with the isoblue, things have changed somewhat. i did try to put a base on the top isoblue shelf and then my cd2 on top of that. there was little difference -- but what difference there was, was negative. music was a little "slower" (these words we use???).

ah!! i thought, there is this other tweak to put some 3/16" ball bearings under the base the space left when you remove the rubber feet. did this -- quite tricky but do-able netheless. result -- sound became so harsh it was definitely interfering with the music.

so i have now retired my "bases". i MIGHT try them under the supercaps or 250's (on the projekt)if i feel like messing about -- but i doubt the result will be different.

just thought this could be of interest.



Posted on: 19 May 2001 by Don Atkinson
ken c,

I have my cds1 sitting on a Base on top of an old Sound Org two-shelf table with family ornaments on the bottom shelf. The LP12 on an Audio Tech TT with the Lingo & Linto beneath on an old Isobarik stand with bits of black contiboard. aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh.

The rest of the kit sits on a 5-rack Base/Audiofile stack which in turn sits on 3 sharp spikes, one under each adjustable Audiofile leg, held together by a sheet of MDF shaped roughly to match the Audiofile racks. aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh.

All these arrangements, and the PRECISE layout/location of each in that part of my room, was sorted out by listening. aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh.

Now given that the cds1 could have been placed on either a Mk1 or a Mk2 Base, on the first sound org shelf or the second, with or without ornaments [well not really much choice here if I wanted to keep the liitle lady on board], using any one of about 10 power cables, plugged into separate wall sockets or one out of six sockets on the Kimber 6-way board, and the sound org table could have been placed in one of three basic locations give or take an inch [ie 20xone tenth increments] ooooorrrrrrrr I could have added the spare Base rack I now have, above the 52 at the top of the Audiofile tree and put the cds1 there......... not to mention the possible options for the LP12/lingo/linto ooooorrrr the 52/scap/135/250/av1 and the spare base shelf.....the permutations are begining to give the lottery a run for its money... thinking of which..... big grin

I wonder how I ever managed to listen to the music



Posted on: 19 May 2001 by ken c
"aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh, I wonder how I ever managed to listen to the music"

fully sympathise.

careful with those ornaments on the bottom s/org table as they may sound a bit harder. better replace with soft toys (of course with management approval). big grin big grin

seriously, with your audiophile rack, i gather removing the rubber feet and also using the 3/16 ball bearings may be a good move, but i doubt if earth-shatteringly so.

i believe i have less permutations to worry about than you though. on mains i have the special grahams 6 headed hydra -- ok so i have to decide which plug on my double socket terminating the spur, but aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh, i cant be bothered.

however, as you and i know well, you only need a good dealer to spoil the fun and sort out all these permutations for you, yes? wink wink

