'Bad Mains Day' or is it?
Posted by: Jez Quigley on 11 November 2001
Yesterday my system sounded 'grey' it was all there except there was no sweetness, and it was uninvolving. I even started to consider that the Karik knockers might have something. Then in the evening it sounded ab fab again, so much so that I stayed up listening to it until 2am which is exceedingly late for me. I know people say it sounds better late at night, but I have had it sounding ab fab at working hours, and not so good at late night too and vice versa - no pattern.
I have a dedicated spur and earth, the temperature of the room is controlled, I hadn't had a drink, 'tweaked' or changed anything , its constantly powered up etc, and there doesn't seem to be any pattern to the on/off song.
I'd really like us to work together to bottom this, e.g. is there anyone out there who has solved this problem, do supercap owners still have 'bad mains days', is there any common factors? Or are we barking up the wrong tree entirely and the problem is humidity, barometric pressure or lunar cycles?
What is Naim's view?
When it's good its REALLY good, I want it like that all of the time.