SL2 passive x-over on SBL's

Posted by: HansW on 11 September 2002

Does anyone know?

Is it possible?

Would it be an improvement?

What does it cost?

Best regards
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Rockingdoc
If the SBL cross-over was correctly designed in the first place, how could one designed for a different speaker possibly be an improvement?
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Ramesh Chitty
Different Crossovers. At least the casing is different. dunno about the insides.
SL2 sounds a little bit different too razz
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by J.N.
On the basis that my SNAXO needed no adjustment when I tried SL2's against my SBL's.

Interesting proposition. The new SL2 passive crossover ought to be better, or is it exactly the same?

Come on boys; let us know.
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by HansW

The SL2 looks very much like an improved SBL. If everything else about the SBL can be improved why not the x-over. The SBL was released in 1986, it is difficult to believe that Naim has not learnt something about x-over design since then.

The SL2 can use the same SNAXO with the same settings as the SBL. It therefore seemed likely to me that the passive SL2 x-over can be used on the SBL.

So I think my questions are valid. Can it be done? Is it an improvement?

Maybe not. The SL2 may not be an improvement over the SBL. Some people prefer the CDS1 over the CDS2, others the NAIT2 over the NAIT3.

I am hoping for an answer from someone who knows.

Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Mark Dunn
... the Credos? Did they use the same passive XO as SBLs or the 'CXO' like the Allae?

Best Regards,
Mark DunnÄ
Posted on: 12 September 2002 by Matt Gear
not sure about the SL2 cross-over, but a dealer i went to in reading reckoned they heard an improvement using the SBL cross-over on the allaes.

