Cartridges again

Posted by: Simon Jenkins on 31 December 2001

Hello all,

My Dynavector 17d2 is coming towards replacement time in the next few months, and I'm starting to think about replacements.

Current system is LP12/Ekos/Lingo/17d2, 72/Hi/180 , and IBL's.

I was thinking of spending around about 1200 pounds, which gave me a short list of the Arkiv B, Dynavector XX-2 or the Lyra Helikon. No idea which one to go for.

I love the 17d2, except for a lack of bass, so maybe the XX-2 is the one to go for ?

Then over christmas I started thinking of maybe getting a new 17d2, a second hand hi-cap and a prefix.

Anybody got any opinions on these four options ? I aim to get a prefix eventually anyway and wondered what is likely to give better performance a 1000 pound MC into the 72 boards or a 500 pound MC into a prefix ?


Posted on: 31 December 2001 by count.d
The advice given to me was the XX-2 better than the Arkiv.
I would have thought it would be better to improve the cartridge before adding Hi-cap.
Posted on: 31 December 2001 by Dev B

I thought the 17D2 has too little bass, the MK2 version is meant to be better - higher output and better bass. I currently use the Arkiv 2 which I have compared to the Dynavector XX-1L and before that I used a Linn Troika. These cartridges have seen service in a: LP12/Aro/Armageddon/Prefix/Hicap
and a Well Tempered Super/Reference Arm and also a Phonosophie P3/Aro/P3 Power Supply. The first thing to say is older cartridges do suffer some some sample inconsistency, my old Troika was a cracker but others I have heard sounded less good. What I try and do is reference the sound of my LP12 to my CDS2 which is always a consistent sounding source. I can't say that the LP12 is better anymore all I can say is that the musical and sonic diferences are more recording driven than anything else. The closest in sound to my CDS2 is the LP12/Aro/Arkiv2 (with the Prefix and Hicap).

I would try and demo the Arkiv2 in your deck (if you are in London you are welcome to listen to mine!). Get a better cartridge first, a prefix / hicap will merely let you hear a not so good cartridge more clearly. If you want more bass maybe you should try to source a refurbished Troika / Asaka from Expert Stylus Co.

Hope some of this helps.


Posted on: 07 January 2002 by Simon Jenkins
Thanks for the responses guys. Sorry I didn't post sooner, but been away from the web.

Anyway, from the responses looks like I'll be replacing the 17d2. Still not sure if it will be an Arkiv or an XX2 though. I'll try and dem the two, but don't hold out much hope of being able to do so.

Dev, If I was still in the UK I'd take you up on your offer, but I'm living in Holland.

Anyway, when I've got the money, probably in a few months, I'll let you know how I got on.
