CD5+ Highcap sounding a bit "warm"
Posted by: Jaybar on 06 July 2001
I am noticing a preponderance of bass/midbass on CD's with my CD5/highcap. This is less the case with my Linn (Linto,Lingo, Ekos, BenzL2). My-pre-amp and amp are Spectral which if anything can tend to the neutral (meaning lean bass). I am using Naim recommend chord interconnects between the CD5 and my pre as my pre is RCA. My speakers are Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk II's which can be a bit full in the bass. In my room, I have found that sitting closer than about 10-11 feet from the speakers makes music sound like separate parts and less integrated. I could pull the speakers further into the room, but play a price in terms of PRAT, integration and naturalness. Also, with thier current position, the imbalance seems far less noticable via my Linn/Linto/Lingo/Ekos/Benz. I wonder if the CDP's soft feet have anything to do with it. Any suggestions?