CD5+ Highcap sounding a bit "warm"

Posted by: Jaybar on 06 July 2001

I am noticing a preponderance of bass/midbass on CD's with my CD5/highcap. This is less the case with my Linn (Linto,Lingo, Ekos, BenzL2). My-pre-amp and amp are Spectral which if anything can tend to the neutral (meaning lean bass). I am using Naim recommend chord interconnects between the CD5 and my pre as my pre is RCA. My speakers are Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk II's which can be a bit full in the bass. In my room, I have found that sitting closer than about 10-11 feet from the speakers makes music sound like separate parts and less integrated. I could pull the speakers further into the room, but play a price in terms of PRAT, integration and naturalness. Also, with thier current position, the imbalance seems far less noticable via my Linn/Linto/Lingo/Ekos/Benz. I wonder if the CDP's soft feet have anything to do with it. Any suggestions?


Posted on: 06 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
It wouldn't be the first time that a turntable integrated the image between the speakers differently than the CD player. You might have a problem getting the two to sound the same.

As far as the frequency curve goes, each source will prevent a different signal. Which one is "wrong" is up to you to decide. However, I think it's a lost cause to get them to be the "same".

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 06 July 2001 by Jaybar
How do I get rid of the bass thickness w/o degrading the performance of the other source (my LP12/Lingo/Linto)?


Posted on: 06 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Since you don't want to move the speakers (for a number of reasons), then you need to tweak the CD player and/or Flat-Cap to get the desired sound. I've noticed that by putting Black Diamond Racing Cones under my old CD3.5, I would make it too thin for my tastes. Maybe in your case it will do the trick.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Steve Toy
It could be the interconnect.
Whilst Chord Chrysalis, or its Naim equivalent work exceedingly well in an all-Naim system, they can sound exuberent when you are using amps from another manufacturer. I cannot use Naim/Chord interconnects with my Densen pre/power amps as they sound absolutely terrible: bass lacks grip, midrange sounds chesty, and the treble sounds really harsh and lacking extension, which also destroys the stereo image - the word "sandpaper" springs to mind.
I use Nordost Solar Wind as interconnects in my system, as they are the only other manufacturer which supplies them in the DIN format. Nordost display some very Naim-friendly characteristics such as speed and tunefulness. I shall probably upgrade to Red Dawn, which will cost as much as a Hi-cap - this is the price you pay for not using Naim amps that work perfectly well on the Naim freebies or 38 GBP Chrysalis smile

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 08 July 2001 by Jay

Sorry I can't quite remember but aren't your Dynaudio's new? If they are, what's to say it's not inherent in the speakers themselves rather than in your CD5?

Did it sound like this before you bought your speakers?


Posted on: 08 July 2001 by Jaybar
To/From Jay :-)

1) Its hard to tell. While I had my Thiel 1.5's for 5 years, they were only used with the CD5/highcap for 5 weeks before I sold the Thiels. By comparison, the bass is very damped in the Thiels.

2) The more prominet bass of the Dynaudios does not help. I find while the bass got faster and more articulate as it brakes in, the treble also got smoother which contibutes to a warmer tonal balance. It may very well be the Dynaudio speakers are the problem. The rooms construction materials make things even worse It has contruction materials of concrete and Cinder Block . These materials really retain and augment the bass as they do not flex. Rooms with wooden floor and/or sheetrock dissipate MUCH more bass.

Posted on: 09 July 2001 by Mike Sae
This might not be PC, but have you tried the Flatcap?

I have both the Hi and Flat and find the Flatcap has a more exuberant, "party" (for lack of a better adjective) sound to it whilst the Hicap is richer, more refined.

Downgrading to a Flat just might tilt the tonal balance to more what you're looking for...