Sideways step

Posted by: Bosh on 11 October 2001

Did the 250 to 500 and SBL to NBL dem today with mixed views. Each upgrade saw significant improvements (although the former showed the SBLs limitation and the latter the 250s, but not totally convinced by the 500/NBL combination (perhaps a bit too much of a culture shock found the same on brief acuaintance with the DBLs), I'll arrange a home dem at a later date

However, the aim of this was to determine how to move forward from the 52/4 pack/SBLs (the 250 dem was a red herring then I hear you cry)in more affordable chunks.

The decision is go back to passive 135s, Fraim the system (done the dem and its much better than Tripods: Mana failed the WAF test and if you think I'm putting the LP12 on QRef think again(Sorry Qref fans)), Black burndy the 52 (got the Black SNAICS), Upgrade the CDS1 to CDS2 head unit.Which will overall, hopefully be a forward step

The question is what should I expect to get for the second pair of 135s, Supercap and SNAXO/Burndy:

(a)on the open market
(b) as a trade in, bearing in mind I'm spending over £5K and keen on going 500 / NBL in the not to distant future


Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Bosh
Dave "Tuppence" Cattlin

Isnt that a euphonism for the female anatomy. Does this mean you'll swap Naim my kit for the pleasure of your wife wink

PS Wall hanging a QSRef shelf is out due to dry lining

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Bosh
Too late. I've ordered a 2 rack nine shelf FRAIM, CDS2 head upgrade and Black Burndy for the 52. Gonna be a long 3 weeks to delivery. frown

Hope I dont miss the 4 pack confused