Re-Capping And Sound Quality?

Posted by: Kevinbro on 26 April 2002

I have and Old Naim NAC12, SNAPS and NAP60 second system. The SNAPS and NAP160 have not been re-capped in years (if ever). I notice the sound is somewhat fatiguing compared to my 72/135 system. Will Re-Capping ameliorate this problem and what other sonic improvements will Re-Capping provide?

Posted on: 27 April 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
Hi Kevin,

The fatiguing sound is likely to be improved a lot by recapping, but not immediately. A recapped unit takes some time (from hours to weeks) to run in, and can sound a little thin at first.

Once fully warmed up and bedded in the transformation is great. The unit will sound tighter, more rythmically punchy, at the same time smoother and revealing more detail.

A 42.5 I fully recapped recently took several weeks to reveal all of it's attributes, before servicing the 42 was harsh and 'gritty'.

A NAC92, in which I only replaced the electrolytic capacitors only took 2-3 days before it sounded wonderful and transformed. I will change the tantalum coupling capacitors soon, which may take longer to run-in, although I'm less sure they degrade with time if the Nait is anything to go by. We'll see, although newer capacitors tend to have better electrical properties than older devices, so this may still bring benefits.

As for the SNAPS, it's a good PSU (I've got two) that can give a Flatcap a good run when fully serviced. My slightly modded one is better than my Flatcap2. A Hicap though is much better, and very worthwhile upgrade.
