I received yesterday the CDX i bought the 20th december 2001.... It was very long, living without any music at home (i had given my cd3.5 back!!)
But the CDX is really great,; it is still warming since yesterday afternoon and it is improving!
But now, i have got new questions!!!
My system is CDX/Nac102/Supercap/Nap180/(Bad Speakers).
1 -I intend to buy speakers first: What do you think about s/h SBL? (easy to find?price?good value?)
2 -I would like to buy phono cards but i don't know if i need MM or MC. How can I know that?
3 -I would also be interested in a tuner ( s/h Nat02 or s/h Nat01 because i just hate New 5 serie's design);Same questions as with SBL: Easy to find?Price? Better value, Nat01 or 02?)
4-If I upgrade my systems, maybe say, Nac82+XPS, or even Nac52+CDS2, would the SBL still be "good enough" for this upgraded system??
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Tony L
I intend to buy speakers first: What do you think about s/h SBL?
SBLs are great. I have heard them sound excellent with a CDS2/102/180 (at least I think this is what Tim O ran at one point). SBLs are easy to drive, a 140 works well, and assuming they are well set up play music with the very best. They are plenty good enough for a top flight vinyl system into a 52 and a pair of 500s, so don't worry about upgrading potential.
Just make sure you like the SBL presentation first - certain closet round-earthers whinge that they can't image / don't have a big fat bass etc. They can image, and have great bass, though not in a girlyman round-earth way - IMHO they can work incredibly well, though I have heard them sound bloody awful in the past, so persevere and make sure you hear a well set up pair.
Who got here before Mike H slags them off!
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Mick P
I ran SBL's of a CDS11/XPS/52?Supercap and they sounded great.
I have replaced them with briks which do have more bass but they are close in performance. The top end of the SBL's is superb.
I also ran the same SBL's in my dining room system powered by a 140 and they sounded fine.
They are an excellent speaker and if someone says they don't image or that base is poor, then quite honestly, they have not set them up correct.
Go for them.
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Mike Hanson
before Mike H slags them off
I'm done slagging until I get to hear them again. It's been too long. I'm also curious to see how they would respond on the end of a "good" system. The best gear that I've heard driving them is a CDS2/102/Hi/250, and I was disappointed with their performance. Perhaps with better amps/setup/room/whatever, they would be bearable.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually admit that the SBLs are a good speaker (probably just in time for them to be discontinued ).
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by garyi
Charles if you have established you need phono boards you need to find out what the cartridge is on your deck. Post here with what the cartridge is called and someone can tell you if its mm or mc, you can then get the boards.
As I said before if the 102 is new then chances are you need to get the last input switched over to BNC or it won't work any way.
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by GC
i got some last month for £600 from loot (black ash, mark 2 bass units) then sold them after a couple of weeks as i didnt like the sound. pretty sure i set them up correctly with the sealant etc and spikes. I personally found them very tiring to listen to and went back to my old epos es14s. sorry guys!
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Mike Sae
I keep getting tempted by speakers but keeping chanting the mantra "source first"
Solid mantra, but one can only go so far before speakers need to be addressed. I don't know Linn Indexes, but I felt the CDX maxed out my Rega Elas; I was missing out on a lot of the CDX's potential.
My suspicions were confirmed with a Neat Mystique dem.
Posted on: 09 January 2002 by Steve Toy
I have Naos speakers - next speakers up from the ELAs, and I have heard them on the end of CDS2/52/250.
They took these superior electronics well in their stride.
I would actually state that there is not all that much difference between the ELAs and the Naos - the latter just sound a bit, er, bigger, I suppose.
I first heard my CDX with 82/180/ELAS combination, and it was highly musical, and well-balanced in terms of system hierarchy, IMHO.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.