Rega Turntable

Posted by: Christopher on 17 June 2002

On the search for a turntable... trying to steer clear of the Linn, want something less fussy... Anybody heard the new Rega P9? Trying to get a dem but not much luck over here in Switzerland... any news much appreciated!
Posted on: 17 June 2002 by smiglass
I too have a new P9 with the RB1000 tonearm and love it. Setup is easy and the sound is crisp, accurate and very musical. I had an LP12/Vahalla/Ittok LVII/Kharma and this TT sounds better. It is also an advantage to have the PSU that provides 45rpm with no "Lingo" effect. This is great vfm and I highly recommend it. BTW, I have it on an old SO turntable platform on a coffee table. The other equipment I have is: CDS2/NAT103/52/SC/250/Dynaudio 80s
Posted on: 18 June 2002 by Christopher
Thanks for the advice.

Did you demo it against the Linn? Does it have as much authority? I'm running an 82/180/BWCM4s, I want something which is musical with plenty of tight and musical bass - fit the bill?

I guess in terms of set-up there is little to do? - important as I will probably buy by mail order.

Thanks again
Posted on: 18 June 2002 by RandallE
Is one more restricted in terms of cartridges that can be used w/the P9? I believe you cannot adjust the VTA, is that correct?

Posted on: 18 June 2002 by smiglass
I don't think there is any restrictions regarding choice of cartridge. I am using a Van Den Hul MC10 Special. I have read that Ortofon matches well with Rega tonearms and of course, Rega's line of cartridges, which have 3 point attatchment that further simplifies setup. It is true that VTA can not be adjusted.
Posted on: 18 June 2002 by Phil Barry
Isn't that:

VTA can't be adjusted easily on a Rega arm.

A couple of companies make add-on adjusters (VPI is one), and one can always use spacers.
