Hi folks,
It's been a while...
I'm kinda embarressed...
Two weeks ago I sold my Kan-II's.
The cheap looks began to annoy, but also the fireplace between the Kan's didn't do much justice to the Kan's soundstage.
Now,...hang on, the "throw rotten tomatoes at me" part has to begin after this...
I also sold my Nait-2 and bought me a s/h Cyrus 3.
The Cyrus 3 would leave me with more choice in new speakers,since it's a (more) powerful,stable amp. Now, with my Kan's the Cyrus sounded pretty good I must confess! Also the cyrus didn't need the stiff naca5 and had a way better volume balance on low levels.
About 1,5 week ago I took the Cyrus with me to a shop to check out some speakers.
The had a pair of Sonus Faber "Concertino's", a Vienna Acoustic's "Haydn",some s/h MA Studio-2SE's and a pair of Proac Tablette 50's.
I settled for the SF's. But...(yeah,I know,you guessed it) it sounds crap, compared to the Nait-2/Kan combo.
The Cyrus/SF system sounds fine when light music like Jewel of some jazzy Lyle Lovett is on the menu. But as soons as the music gets more complex,the bass is muddy,slow,uncontroled and the mid/higs are too smooth,imho.
In the store is sounded much better.
The dealer told me the SF's had to burn in,after another 2 weeks my low-end problems should've been solved. (what's your opinion ?)
Now,to get to the point of this painfull story...
I probably could take 'em back and go for the Proac Tablette 50's instead. They sounded more forward than the SF's,and had less but more controlled bass.
Too be honest,I do like the Cyrus 3, but can easily sell it and get me a s/h Nait-2 again for a little extra cash.
the bottom line is: Does anyone have experience with a Nait-2 driving Proac Tablette 50's ?
[This message was edited by Alco on SUNDAY 07 April 2002 at 11:08.]
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Alco
Alco, in two years you'll be laughing about this....
Yeah, I guess you're right,haha
I mean, 95% of comedies is based on stupid bloopers that people make,eh ?!
yes,Rico I will take my time this weekend.
Instead of renting a car for 1 day (don't have a car myself) I rented a car for the whole weekend,for a little extra cash.
This way I can (hopefully!) return the SF's friday,and spent the whole saturday enjoying some Naities and Kan-alikes and stuff.
I'll also check some of his homemade DIY cable. He said to me this afternoon that it was perfectly safe with Naim. He's on of the most longest and die-hard Naim dealers in Holland so I guess he knows what he's doing.
we'll see what comes out of it...
See Y'all
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Alco
Robbie, I just checked HiFi.nl but couldn't find the ad you were referring to.
(then again, I like a Nait-2 better than a 92/90 combo,so...)
Andrew; There's no store in my area that has some Katans in tha house.
(most Linn dealers here only have Linn electronics in the shop)
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Alco
Hi Bas,
Nijmegen is a bit (read:way too) far away to only listen to a speaker for a moment.
Also, I only get the first 200 km's free.
So, if I make more than 200 kilometers (which i will if I'd drive all the way to Nijmegen) it'll cost me a lot more.
remember, I also have to go to Weerdinge and Lippenhuizen, to return the SF's and get me a Nait-2 back.
But thanx for the tips anyway!
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Jaybar
If your mind is made up regarding getting rid of the SF speakers than so be it. But in case its not, here are some suggestions:
1) If you have the adjustable SF stands, the distance between the top of the bottom plate and the bottom of the top plate, should be 28" as a starting point. Adjust up/down 1/4 inch at a time until you get the best trade-off between warmth and clarity/bass tightness.
2) The ideal distance between the speakers (mid-wwofer center to mid-woofer center) is betwen 7 and 8 feet. Placing them too close together can compromize bass deninition and adds midrange presence. This assumes the speakers are NOT very close to the side walls. Minimum distance to side walls should be about 27-30". More is better if your room allows. Placing the speakers too close together makes it difficult to follow complex music. Toe-in is also critical, with generally the same trade-offs as speaker to speaker distance.
3) If you have the adjustable wood/iron stands with the spikes, try and experiment with rake angle, such that everything snaps into focus and female vocals have a natural and not exagerated warmth.
4) Speakers should be about 18" to 24" from the wall behind them (or maybe a bit more), when measured from the back of the speaker. To close to the wall and bass deninition is significantly compromised. Too far from the wall and tonal balance is thin and the overall sound lacks weight.
5) Long wall placement may be preferable.
In short, these are not speakers that can be set up in any way similar to KANS.
I have had BOTH the "Tinos" and the Signums. These suggestions are based on my room/system. Your milage may vary.
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Alco
Hi Jay,
Yes, I do have the iron/wood adjustable stands.
I tried both 24" and 28" and couldn't notice much difference. The only obvious thing was, the soundstage got a bit higher, but the low end stayed the same, slow,fat,undefined.
(looks better when they're at 24" though,imho)
btw: I spoke with the SF dealer just a moment ago.
Bugger!!! he wouldn't take 'em back. "He told me, they're not a HiFi library."
I do understand his side of the case,cause if he would take 'em back, he could only sell 'em again as 'demopair'. So, that way he can't make as much profit out of it.
He was willing to help me getting the best out of the SF's or else he would try to find a client for my SF's.
All in all,... (at this moment)the worse kind scenario is still a fact... I'm stuck with beautiful (looking) speakers but I miss my old Kannie's
So, my plan was to first get me a Nait-2 back
and see how the Nait matches the SF's.
(probably even worse than the Cyrus 3)
If this isn't up to my liking, I guess I'll have to sell my SF's s/h by differrent ads.
sad greetings,
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Theo
If that pitfall shop is not willing to take them back, is a Nait 5 maybe a better combination with the SF's and also an option for you?
It will give you a nice upgrade path for the future.
For a Nait5 you will have to go to Roden, since Rinsma is no longer an official Naim dealer. Not sure for the reason, but I can imagine why.
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Alco
Hi Theo,
Rinsma is no longer an offical Naim-dealer cause the only Naim products good enough in his opinion were the amps before the 3-series.
He thinks the 5-series is even worse.
In his believe Naim is like a good wine:"the older,the better!"
His favorite is the Nait-1,then Nait-2,then ...zilch,nothing,nada ...Sonneteer.
Also the Nait-5 is too expensive for my budget and looks afwul,imho.
btw: I just discovered that the (volume knobs on my) rc from my Naim CDX also work on the Cyrus 3.
O, that friend,who recently bought my Nait-2, just called me, to ask how I was getting along with the SF's.
He's coming buy tomorrow evening with his/my Nait-2 to see if drives the SF's and how it compares with my Cyrus. I'm very curious.
The thing that shocked me even more is.....(hang on) he said:"Well, IF the Nait-2 drives the SF's well, you can have it back, for the same price!"
I thought/said:"You're kidding me,right?!"
No, he wasn't kidding me! He was thinking of buying a Audio-Analoque "Puccini" instead!
(man, I thought only I made such mistakes )
So, if all goes well. I'll get my own Nait-2 back which saves me a trip to Rinsma-HiFi and 250,- euro's! Let's hope for the best.
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by herm
Hi AlcoSelling your favorite pieces of equipment to folks who basically don't care, and give you calls like that...
Alco, the suspense is getting unbearable. These twists and turns... You have to tell us what's going to happen!
[This message was edited by herm on THURSDAY 11 April 2002 at 01:52.]
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Jaybar
You replied to my note only in terms of stand height. That is only one variable.
1) How far are the speakers from the wall behind the speakers (measured from the back of the speaker)?
2) How far apart are the speakers (woofer to woofer)?
3) How far are the speakers from the side walls (woofer to side wall)?
4) How much are the speakers toed-in?
5) Have you experimented with rake angle?
Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Alco
Hi Yaybar,
the distance between my SF's is about 2 meter.
They're 55cm from the back wall.
Don't know how much they're toed-in, but I'd guess about 40 degrees.
The left speaker is placed about 1,5 meter from the sidewall,the right speaker about 1 meter.
btw: the bloke that bought my old Kan's also called me yesterday evening. guess what....
He asked me if I was still interested in the Kan-stands. He wanted to ged rid of 'em, because he was afraid one of his kid's might kick the Kan's from their stand! Now he wanted to place the Kan's on a bookshelf! (the horror! )
Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Frank Abela
I don't know where people are getting their info from, but I remember the Concertinos well from when I was auditioning speakers (I, too, loved the look).
They suck juice. They're not an easy load and require a ridiculously good and powerful amp to drive them properly. This is quite in contrast to the Electa Amator which was easier to drive at the time.
But Concertinos? Lovely midrange, great treble, ponderous bass if the amp isn't capable enough. Nait2, 3 & 5? Not a chance of getting any speed. You'd need a 180 or preferrably a 250 to get them going. The 'worst' amp I've heard them with was a Densen Beat-100 and that was having trouble as well (Densens have prodigious control).
All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Alco
But Concertinos? Lovely midrange, great treble, ponderous bass if the amp isn't capable enough. Nait2, 3 & 5? Not a chance of getting any speed. You'd need a 180 or preferrably a 250 to get them going
That's exactly what I experienced this evening,Frank. You're absolutely right!
this evening a friend came by (who I sold the Nait to) and we swapped the Cyrus for the Nait-2.
Major difference! the mids were much more natural and open. The lowend still was fat and slow though.
So, I will get me a Naim NAit-2 back tomorrow from my dealer. My friend began to doubt and he would get sorry for selling it (again)
I said:"then don't! I'll buy one from my dealer,you keep it and enjoy it"
Don't know what I'll do with the SF's though...
well, I'll see...
to be continued
[This message was edited by Alco on FRIDAY 12 April 2002 at 07:24.]