Big,Big Mistake... (headbanging against the wall)

Posted by: Alco on 07 April 2002

Hi folks,

It's been a while...
I'm kinda embarressed...
Two weeks ago I sold my Kan-II's.
The cheap looks began to annoy, but also the fireplace between the Kan's didn't do much justice to the Kan's soundstage.

Now,...hang on, the "throw rotten tomatoes at me" part has to begin after this...

I also sold my Nait-2 and bought me a s/h Cyrus 3.
The Cyrus 3 would leave me with more choice in new speakers,since it's a (more) powerful,stable amp. Now, with my Kan's the Cyrus sounded pretty good I must confess! Also the cyrus didn't need the stiff naca5 and had a way better volume balance on low levels.

About 1,5 week ago I took the Cyrus with me to a shop to check out some speakers.
The had a pair of Sonus Faber "Concertino's", a Vienna Acoustic's "Haydn",some s/h MA Studio-2SE's and a pair of Proac Tablette 50's.

I settled for the SF's. But...(yeah,I know,you guessed it) it sounds crap, compared to the Nait-2/Kan combo.
The Cyrus/SF system sounds fine when light music like Jewel of some jazzy Lyle Lovett is on the menu. But as soons as the music gets more complex,the bass is muddy,slow,uncontroled and the mid/higs are too smooth,imho.
In the store is sounded much better.
The dealer told me the SF's had to burn in,after another 2 weeks my low-end problems should've been solved. (what's your opinion ?)

Now,to get to the point of this painfull story...

I probably could take 'em back and go for the Proac Tablette 50's instead. They sounded more forward than the SF's,and had less but more controlled bass.

Too be honest,I do like the Cyrus 3, but can easily sell it and get me a s/h Nait-2 again for a little extra cash.

the bottom line is: Does anyone have experience with a Nait-2 driving Proac Tablette 50's ?


[This message was edited by Alco on SUNDAY 07 April 2002 at 11:08.]

Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Steve Toy
Steve, maybe that's why there's zero women on this forum. They wouldn't like comments like that from the moderators.

Firstly, there are female members of this forum.

Secondly, there are no female members of the Mana Forum to my knowledge.

Thirdly, we have a female Moderator here.

I was just wondering, that's all.

Now I know - I have just read the thread where Theo becomes a "somebody," and yes it is a nice touch from the moderators.

Can I be "mongrel system member?" wink



The proof of the pudding...

Posted on: 11 April 2002 by airness
Originally posted by Steven Toy:

Now I know - I have just read the thread where Theo becomes a "somebody," and yes it is a nice touch from the moderators.

Which thread is that?

Posted on: 11 April 2002 by Frank Abela
Did I miss something? Who's the female moderator in the HiFi forum?

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.