where next on the upgrade path?

Posted by: Matt worlock on 10 July 2002

Hello... those of you that are reading this,

I'm wondering where I should direct my funds next?

I have A CDX with napsc power supply & a 82 pre with a hicap power supply, I'm driving modified Epos Es11/12's on dedicated stands with a recapped 180 using all naim leads to include new replacement NAC A5. All the kit is placed on an Atacama equinox modular equipment, this is a recent addition & I have to say I'm very impressed with it.

So where next?..... I'm split between the inevitable XPS for the CDX or looking for better speakers!

I wait for suggestions

Mad Boy Matt
Posted on: 10 July 2002 by herm
Posted on: 10 July 2002 by Mike Hanson
Absolutely: XPS.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Posted on: 10 July 2002 by Boz
or CDPS if you can get one with modified Black Burndy.

I aquited one recently for far less than an XPS and to my ears not much to choose between them....(I demoed an XPS too) this may leave you more budget for speakers

just a thought

David J Bostock
Posted on: 10 July 2002 by Phil Barry
Waht's your budget? What bothers you about your system now?

Posted on: 10 July 2002 by Laurie Saunders
soert out your mains supply/fuses if you have not already done so. Its very cheap and you won`t believe the improvements you can get. E-mail me if yo want more info.

Cheers: laurie S
Posted on: 10 July 2002 by Matt worlock
I love me Eposes & I quess until I find something significantly better they will continue to reside in my system. Yes Laurie I've done the mains thing: separate consumer unit with 16 amp rated mcb to un-fused round three pin mk socket with matching un-fused mk plug feeding a home brew hydra type unit thus eliminating all plugs+ repective fuses on me kit. Also replaced all kit fuses with 15 amp RS type mmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMM nice!

Cheers! big grin big grin big grin

Mad Boy Matt
Posted on: 11 July 2002 by Simon Perry
I agree. Get yourself a decent vinyl setup, marvel at the results, then spend the rest of the year glaring woefully at your vast CD collection. frown