Do new Prefix's come with black Snaics?

Posted by: Jens on 27 March 2002

Hi All,

I've just purchased a Prefix from 1996 and it comes with a grey chord to attach to the power supply. I assume that this is the same as a Snaic that normally comes with a Hicap? If this is the case, is it worth rewiring with a black snaic (if one happened to have a spare one lying about), or this just getting too anal?


Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Bosh
I have just ordered my black SNAIC (and lavender interconnect) to finish off the LP12 following the XX2 installation. My dealer tells me it is worthwhile doing which I find credible following the other black SNAIC and Burndy upgrades I have done

A word of warning though, the standard Black SNAIC is too short for Prefix, it has a long path around the innards of the LP12 and if you use this Naim say it probably wont reach the Preamp/PS.

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by jpk73
Yes: my new Prefix came with black SNAIC.

- Jun

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Wind in ears
When did Naim change from grey to Black leads with Hicaps?