Great Loudspeaker Cable!

Posted by: Reto D on 06 June 2002

Hi everybody,

If you're thinking to spend money for cables...
then you should certainly have a look at Chord
Odysee 4. Great cable for a reasonable price at
least when you hear it.....

(By far better than NACA5, that's for sure!)

Enjoy your day and your music...



CDX, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250, ProAc Response 2.5
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by David Stewart
Odyssey? (By far better than NACA5, that's for sure!)

A statement like that might be construed by some folks around here as being a bit controversial. I'm quite surprised nobody has come back and bitten your ears off - however give 'em time big grin big grin

David S
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by RandallE
Can you give us some specifics? System used? Does Diana Krall actually sound like she has a pulse via the Chord, vs the NACA5? That kind of info?


Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Colin Lorenson
I use Odyssey with 52/135/N802's. I changed about 9 months ago when I had 804's and it replaced my long-time NACA5.

To my ear the Odyssey was more controlled, punchy and with better deeper bass. The A5 sounded softer. YMMV.

Colin Lorenson
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Rico
Does Diana Krall actually sound like she has a pulse via the Chord

Bloody good test, Randall! Should one find a pulse there, it would clearly be sonic artifice of the Chord, yes? big grin

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by jpk73
Does Diana Krall actually sound like she has a pulse via the Chord, vs the NACA5? That kind of info?

Does Diana Krall have a pulse, compared to Ella - - that kind of info? cool

- Jun
Posted on: 07 June 2002 by Peter Stockwell
If a speaker cable can give a pulse to Diana Krall, then maybe they should start using it for her,er, 'live' showzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
