It would be useful if the CD Player pucks were made available as a mail order item - it would be a legitimate entry in the Life Style section - ie no CD player - no life let alone any style for me and any one else within a 100 yards.
Would be especially useful if the Puck fails, gets eaten by the dog etc on a Saturday evening and the dealer not opening until Tuesday etc - the Puck can be ordered online and with a bit of luck you could have the new Puck from Naim (or the fulfillment house) by the Tuesday or Wednesday (and possibly the original one back as well if the dog was involved)
A lot if us travel quite a way to the dealer and would want the dealer to post on the item - so further delaying the return to normal life.
Expanding the list further - I would suggest any of the low level accessories eg plugs, NAC A5 cable, Fraim bits and pieces eg Ball bearings, washers, nuts etc (not the shelves or spacers) could be useful candidates for the e-Naim store
From a transaction point of view, it may be cheaper for Naim for the transaction to be handled entirely online than having to handle a phone in order for a relatively trivial component from a dealer and the subsequent billing of the dealer etc.
Just my thoughts