Upgrading Linn tweeters

Posted by: hifidaddy on 15 June 2001

I have old Linn Kans in my Naim setup, and recently I saw that folks are offering pairs of used Linn Kaber tweeters for sale, for under 100DM the pair (30UKP or 45USD).

SPKR015/2 - 6 Ohms - 363TNV
SPKR015/1 - 6 Ohms - 523TNF

can somebody perhaps say whether any of these are desirable or not ?

Could even be that the sellers upgraded themselves and now sell their old stuff ;-)

thanks in advance,


Posted on: 16 June 2001 by Ron The Mon
These tweeters are the first generation
"hard-dome" units from Linn. They are the ones
with the little mesh screen over a white dome.
Yes, they are a (IMHO)huge improvement over the
Scanspeak/Hiquofin models. Considering that you
can buy the Linn hard-domes or the "neodymiums"
for 3 times the price and get something brand-new, you'll have to consider if it's a good value. My
Linn dealer gave me tweeters for free(I did give
him a case of beer) as he has many customers
upgrading and has no need for so many in stock.
An important point in installing these tweeters;
Use 100% pure silicone to seal the newer tweeters
as the mounting leaves a large gap and you must
completely seal the Kans. Also, I've seen some
Kans in which the wires to the tweeters are too
short so beware that this could turn into a more
complicated project than you initially thought.
Once it's done though, you'll find it worth the
effort. Also, if you do it, please post your
results as many forum members have been afraid to
upgrade eek

Ron The Mon