Speaker cable length again
Posted by: graphoman on 16 April 2002
It’s commonly known by now that Naim Audio doesn’t want to define the optimal length of A5 between amp and speaker. They say any length is good between 5-20m. I have two sets (paars) of 5m pieces that make a 10m-set if used in tandem.
In the recent two years I made several upgrades: Nait 2 as preamp, then 32.5, HiCap, 72, SBLs instead of some cheap model, and, at the end, CD3 to CDS1. Every time I compared the two lengths of speaker cables. Of course, I’m far from having the current bests but at least now I HAVE my opinion. In the future I’ll stick to the 10m-set. The sound is more stable. (Though the big snakes are rather inconvenient.) In this respect it should be mentioned that A5 comes in 10m-sets and it’s the dealer who has to cut it into half.