CD v TT Balancing act

Posted by: Steve B on 01 February 2002

Posted on: 01 February 2002 by Nigel Cavendish
All I can say is that my Revolver Rebel TT clone sounds almost as good as the 3.5/flatcap at 7 times the price. I still prefer CD. Vinyl is dead despite the "whatever became of the wax cylinder" brigade on this forum.



Posted on: 01 February 2002 by Willy
Originally posted by Steve B:

So my question is - which CD player boogies (for want of a better word) as well as say, an LP12/Valhalla/Ittok/10x4

Your opinions will be greatly appreciated.

Steve B

About 18 months ago during a bout of upgradeitis I had another go at CD. Tried a range of kit up and including the top end Naim one (presume it was the CDSII). To my ears nothing came close to LP12/Ittok/Asaka. Bought a Rega Planet for the kids, though I appear to have misplaced it of late.



Posted on: 01 February 2002 by Andrew Randle
So my question is - which CD player boogies (for want of a better word) as well as say, an LP12/Valhalla/Ittok/10x4

None, although I'm not as familiar of the CDS2 as I'd like to... A CDX is technically brilliant, presentation-wise it is very similar to an LP12/Lingo/Akito (a better combination than your listed deck). However it doesn't bounce and boogie in the effortless way the LP12 does.

Vinyl is dead despite the "whatever became of the wax cylinder" brigade on this forum.

There is still life in the format. 50% of chart music is on vinyl. Vinyl sales increased 3% last year, CDs dropped 3%. Dance music, D&B, House and Reggae are vinyl dominated scenes. MP3 recordings from CD are pissing off record companies so much they may try promoting vinyl again (well we can all dream!). Lara Croft owns a Clearaudio Reference.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"

Posted on: 02 February 2002 by Alex S.
I reckon a CDS2 gets close to a mid spec LP12 (Ittok/Troika). On well recorded CDs its about the same but different ;o). The other CDPs you mention and most others I've heard fall sadly short. I doubt if there will ever be competition for top vinyl: Well Tempered/DV phono/Dv cart, LP12/Aro/DV cart/Groove etc. If competition arrives it won't be in the form of CD; SACD possibly.


Posted on: 02 February 2002 by Chris Brandon
Being an LP12 owner,I thought the chances of ANY CD player being musically the equal or better than a good well maintained LP12 were just the insane rambling tales of drunken cloth-eared musically illiterate fools......until I came accross a well setup CDX.

When Dave Cattlin purchased a bare CDX,I fully expected it to be the poor relation when compared to his fully loaded and Naim'd LP12. (As indeed it was for a few months until fully run in and warmed up)

(Herecy mode coming on). Now,I actually prefer the CDX ! I don't know if this particular CDX is a "rogue" or Dave's setup is such that it is condusive to showing his CDX at it's best,but Oh Boy,it Boogies,rocks and keeps my interest like no other CD player I have ever come accross.( and I have heard LOADS).



(Now out of the closet after nailing my colours to the CD mast.)

Posted on: 02 February 2002 by ken c
well rehearsed topic. i voted none.

to my ears, a very well setup naimed lp12 sounds very different (in my view better) than even the mighty cdsii. but this could just be the cdsii showing up the deficiencies of the digital process, dunno for sure. wish some of the naim recordings were availble on vinyl.

when i play my cdsii (and i enjoy it, detailed, musical, etc) the picture i get in my mind is that of a tree with shallow roots. with lp12, i feel the roots are much much deeper, and the musical experience is much more spiritual and real. to this old laggard, the vinyl illusion is closer to the actual musicians playing.

i wonder how the new naim cd player will sound?? the cdsii is quite young -- the time gap between cds1 and cds2 seems much shorter than between cds2 and the new baby (assuming of course that rumours of a new naim cd player are true...)



Posted on: 02 February 2002 by MarkEJ
Originally posted by ken c:
wish some of the naim recordings were availble on vinyl.

So do I!

Let's start a pressure group...



(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)

Posted on: 02 February 2002 by ken c
Let's start a pressure group...

right. first meeting coming monday morning outside naim audio salisbury. i will bring a few placards ... and my lp12... big grin big grin



Posted on: 02 February 2002 by Steve B
As expected, a mixed bag of opinions, and all very much appreciated – thanks guys. Keep them votes coming in.

I remember attending a HiFi show just after CD was introduced. I was with my brother at the time. We heard a Panasonic CD (can’t remember what amp) through a pair of Quad Electrostatics. After all the hype we were expecting better. We looked at each other in amazement and my brother said “Does it leave you cold as well?” “Yes!” I said.

A short while afterwards I paid a visit to my dealer (Sound Advice). I remember Derek Whittington saying that many of his customers came in to hear the new wonder format and promptly fell off their chairs laughing. After what I heard at the show I can believe that.

Anyway, despite my misgivings, I accept that CD has come a long way since then. (It couldn’t get worse could it?)

I guess I’ll start with a CD5 and see how things go. I might be tempted to hear a CDX as well but most of you are aware of the pitfalls of doing that!

Hmmm, I wonder what a CD5 on a Fraim sounds like compared to CDX on a DIY wall shelf.

Steve B

Posted on: 02 February 2002 by ken c

Anyway, despite my misgivings, I accept that CD has come a long way since then. (It couldn’t get worse could it?)

important point. and naim cd players manage to capture a lot of that naim characteristic magic that we know and love.

the trick, i have found, is to enjoy both formats for what each has to offer and not worry too much about "comparing" the two, which, strictly is quite hard to do.

however, good, honest banter never hurt anyone...



Posted on: 03 February 2002 by Steve B
10x is really pants..

I thought that as well at first. Now it's well run in it sounds much better. Not as good as a Karma/Troika but I wouldn't expect so at the price.

The Aro/17D will have to wait a while.

Steve B

Posted on: 03 February 2002 by Steve B
Cannot see how this boogies

I think a Planar 3 boogies.

Steve B