How big is my Mullet?

Posted by: Carpe Diem on 13 August 2002


I currently have Nait3R/CDX/Royd Doublets. I would say that was a bit mulletish and am considering an upgrade of the Nait to 102/180/NAPSC. Does the forum agree this is an appropriate haircut, has anyone recently had a similar restyle and can I expect lots of admiring glances as a result of my newly coiffed locks?
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Simon Matthews
For a better all round trim I might suggest you swop the sc for a hicap and with the money saved maybe sir could try to squeeze in an xps for the weekend.
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by belsizepark
surely a hicap is more expensive than a napsc?


Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Phil Barry
This is the stupidest query I've read on this forum since I joined it in 1996. I can see why the writer is hiding behind a nom de plume.

If you want respect, tell us what improvements you want to make. And getting faceless people whom you don't know to admire your system is not an improvement that I care to contribute to.

Philip Barry
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Simon Matthews

What's with the sense of humour bipass, the question sounds real enough even if the name does not.

Forget my electronics advice mr silly name, I thought you were talking about a super cap with your 102/180(duuuuurrrrrr!!!!).

OK - try again - what about an xps with a 112/150/flatcap? More expensive but probably better than your suggestion.
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by belsizepark
I think you have been a bit harsh on him.

Furthermore I see no difference in using your real name for a user name as opposed to a different name. Your name may not even be Phil Barry, but it doesn't really matter does it.

I think his question was posed in humouress style as opposed to anything else.


Posted on: 13 August 2002 by John Channing
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Simon Matthews
OHMYGOD - What does that freak do now? Probably playing in the 3.00-5.00 a.m Radio Norwich slot before Alan Partridge.
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Carpe Diem

Thanks for the replies - glad to see my septic friends have completely missed the point!

Anyway in order to 'seize the day' I am off to buy a rather spangly 102/180/NAPSC to drown out the noise of my Mullet blowing in the wind. Maybe a hicap and XPS later - also been thinking about some Shahinians but given their country of origin I am a bit concerned that they may take over my living room!

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Tuan
If I am in your situation I will keep the current set up till I can afford the NAP 250 model. It is a big different between the 2 models. If you buy the 180 you will upgrade it again to the 250. Just wait till you get the 250. Why hurry??
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by bec143

I agree with Max, lighten up! Although I must saythat I always appreciate your audiophile advice, leave the stodginess for ole St. Mick!

Bruce from Seattle
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Steve Toy
Nait3R/CDX/Royd Doublets

This is not a Mullet, altough it should read:

CDX/Nait3/Royd Doublets.

That has to be a classic non-mullet system given the strength of the source component.

I suggest Densen B200/300 as amps which I use myself in conjunction with a CDX. Although not Naim, these amps were designed around Naim CD payers before Densen launched their own attempt at a CD player of their own.

The disadvantage of the Densens is that you need relatively costly interconnects to make the system hang together.

I recommend Nordost Red Dawn or Chord Anthems as both are available in DIN/RCA format. You'll need two pairs.

Alternatively, an 82/180 will do the trick, and will give you the fundamental Naim sound but at a higher price. At least you can use the freebie Naim interconects/snaic.



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