Bloody racks
Posted by: Mick P on 08 August 2001
My CDS2 arrives tomorrow and as you know, it has a flap which needs to be lifted in order to insert the puck and disc.
The standard height of a Hutter rack is too narrow to allow the flap to be lifted up. Therefore because Mrs Mick insists on plonking several items of object d'art on the top shelf, the CDS2 has to be housed on the second shelf down which is too narrow.
I have had to order one of those arched shelves which gives an extra couple of inches of height. However, in order to please Mrs Mick, I have had to remove the top shelf in order to accommodate the new one. You see, chaps, not only does Mrs Mick insist on the racks "looking nice", they must also have a "sensible" height. You single guys just do not know how lucky you are.
I have just spent the last 30 minutes trying to remove the top shelf. The rods which separate the shelves are a tight push fit and have almost welded themselves in.
It took me, Mrs Mick and my strapping 20 year old son ages to pull just one shelf apart. I have ruined my back, got indigestion, all because of some bloody rack. Thank goodness, putting the new higher shelf on takes but a few seconds.
If however, I had purchased a Fraim, it would have separated in seconds. Take advice from an old the best and buy a Fraim.
[This message was edited by Mick Parry on WEDNESDAY 08 August 2001 at 21:26.]
Send the cds2 to me ...
You single guys just do not know how lucky you are.
It doesn't have to been that difficult. Just hide it in a closet like I do. Whether it's an oil rig of Mana or a tower of Hutter, it's all the same in the dark. It also affords a modicum of insulation from airborne vibrations.
Why try to balance sonics and aesthetics, when you can sidestep the entire debate? It's time for you to upgrade to a closet!
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
One point for Mick though, even with the 10" gapped Fraim, I think it would be impossible to put the CDS2 on anything other than the top shelf since the Burndy cable is central and would not bend before meeting the rear post. To be honest I think you're giving in to Mrs Mick too easily.
Regards, CB
Perhaps you should persuade your wife that the CDSII is a work of art and therefore destined for the top shelf.
I suspect that in the end though, all you really need is a couple of Obans to cure what ails you... tw
Life is not so easy.
I am currently building my music room. The rack is planed to go in a closet with access by the back, a 15' * 5' tech room with an openning 3' wide to the listening room. Great isn't it?
But, last friday evening I bring home my demo 5 shelf FRAIM. I said nothing, setup everything in the unfinished room. Saturday morning my wife enter the room, i've heard a WHOAAA " Honey it's the first time you bring home something realy nice. That piece of furniture is 'absolument extra', i see the Naim logo on it, do they also make furniture"
I explained the all thing.
SHE wants one for the second system in the living-room, not for the listening room "It would be a pity to hide it".
What can I do?
Vuk old chap, I totally agree that Mana is timeless, it would look good in a cave.
I am assuming this would also be true for the CDS2 and black burndy. If you have tried and found this is not the case please post as I have yet to plunge with Fraim and will at some stage soon be upgrading to CDS2 and Black burndy
Therefore because Mrs Mick insists on plonking several items of object d'art on the top shelf, the CDS2 has to be housed on the second shelf down which is too narrow.
Please, please, please post a picture of these object d'art, I am certain we would all love Mrs Mick's taste in such items.
Just to set the ball rolling I will bravely show one of the paintings that I have in my living room, despite having recently realised that it does not have any fluffy kittens portrayed on it at all.
Therefore because Mrs Mick insists on plonking several items of object d'art on the top shelf, the CDS2 has to be housed on the second shelf down which is too narrow.
Lose Mrs mick & get a cat. Or a LP12
It doesn't have to been that difficult. Just hide it in a closet like I do.
Is that the wife or the CD player?
Honey it's the first time you bring home something realy nice.
My wife has been quite unimpressed with Mana, Hutter, Lovan, Quadraspire, pARTicular, and a few others. Other than pARTicular, which she said was ugly, her standard comment is "It looks like a stereo stand". However, when she first saw a picture of the Fraim, she really liked it.
I suspect that the people who don't like the looks of the Fraim either have no taste, or are playing a game of "sour grapes".
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I have ruined my back, got indigestion, all because of some bloody rack.
I suspect the "indigestion" is one of two things - indeed you might have attempted this madness soon after dinner, and perhaps have not had time to let your stomach get to work; you may even have bolted it down to get on with Huttering around. This would be indigestion.
The second (and perhaps more likely) reason will be to do with your back going out. There is a vertabra circa the bottom rib which when "out" will irritate the local nerve and give precisely the same symptom as indigestion! I suggest not eating for about 2 weeks in order to prove this - if you get "indigestion" after bouts of sitting, standing, or pulling your rack - it will not be food related at all (at least, apart from lack-of). It can be sorted with a simple adjustment.
Seeing your chiropractor might be easier - then at least you won't have to give up food to prove the theory, or worse, attempt to enjoy the delights of Malts on an empty stomach.
HTH, and YMMV, natrually.
Rico - let them eat Kans... the girlie wusses.
a carefully balanced urban-chique arrangement
I realise you're not from Montreal and therefore slightly less "wannabe European", but if you're going to use iquonic phrases, you shouldn't maque spelling mistaques.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
Reading your lengthy response has given me indigestion.....thank you my friend.
Tony L
No I cannot send a photo because I still haven't worked out how to use the scanner. It overfills the screen and makes everything 20 times larger.
Anyway to keep you happy....The top shelf is adorned with a solid brass table lamp with a pink lamp shade. There is also an "old salt" teapot made by Royal Doulton which is a sought after collectors item. Mrs Mick has a collection of 43 such teapots. There is also a china pot purri thingy which emitts delightful aromas.
To Stephen Bennett
I have been trying to lose Mrs Mick for 30 years but have not succeeded. Also I dislike cats and BTW would not take a LP12 for free, even if it were odorned with Sam Fox offering me services of a dubious nature. Garrard 401's rule ok.
To Ayre
I have just taken delivery of the CDS2 and I will give it to no one ........its all mine. back has recovered and I am in a rather good mood. Back to the new CD player. Even Mrs Mick is impressed with it. Thats only the second thing that as ever impressed her, the first thing was, of course, me.
I shall do a MH tomorrow and write a long letter on the CDS2.
Yours in happiness
Quote: I realise you're not from Montreal and therefore slightly less "wannabe European".
What do you mean?
As I was born in France, I'm European, but have been living in Montreal for 20 years, I am also a Montrealer.
I don't think Montrealer are "wannabe European" they are the more european North Americans yes, but definitely North Americans.
These days we feel like Central Americans, 20 days without rain, 10 days over 30, 35 C today.
No I cannot send a photo because I still haven't worked out how to use the scanner. It overfills the screen and makes everything 20 times larger.
Mick do you have any photo editing software? I got Corel PhotoPaint 7 free with my PC and does a good job with scaling and compressing [done by going to the "image" menu and choosing "resample"].
Alternatively you can email me a couple of scans and I'll process them for you.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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I have a "computer teckie" coming around some time next week to sort me out. He mentioned something called adobe or something like that.
Then I should be able to scan.
Thanks for the offer.
I realy haven't tried to put another shelf above the CDS2 and I do not know the if the location of the socket in the back of the CDS1 is quite so close to centre. However, I am convinced you'd not get a CDS2 with its black burndy on a lower shelf (is black less flexible than grey?). Further, I suspect that any contact between the burndy and the rear upright would have a detrimental effect on the decoupling (rather like the LP12 and the P clip issue). Your best bet is to get a dealer to try it.
Regards, CB