500 verses active update

Posted by: NigelP on 05 November 2001

I thought I would update folks on the 500/804 verses active 250 (or 135)/NBL debate. Firstly, an acknowledgement to Frank Abela:
This really is a no-brainer. By all means, have fun with the demo, but I think you'll come out with a 500

That's exactly what I am doing big grin . I listened to an active 6-pack driving NBL verses passive 500 and the 500 left the 6-pack standing. It's a statement that needs a little more explaining to convey what I mean. The 6-pack was really good in the active configuration but it felt like a better version of what I currently have (2x250 driving the 804). I came away from that pretty gobsmacked. But what of the 500/804? I got back from my dealer this weekend and we set it up. I took with me one CD that I used to listen to the 500/NBL combination with to get a feel for the capability of this compared to that demo. The real concentration came from playing music that I listen to at home so that I could get a feel for the difference between my system and this. So the recorded material was:

I have now completed my listening test and there is no doubt that a 500/804 is BETTER than an active 6-pack/NBL. The thing about this 500 is that it literally grabs the speakers by the b**ls and makes them do what they're supposed to. Winton Marsalis was tremendous and where I noticed the difference was in the treble. The only critique I have for the 804 is that they are bass-light. Otherwise, there was no evidence of them being anything but completely musical on the end of this amplifier. Eels was compelling and Dave Brubeck's Take Five was a real stunner. The real test came from Brand X and the system just said "Is that the best you can do?" I have ordered mine and cannot wait. If you have the money and front-end to support it - make sure you go and have a listen. If you don't have the money - then stay away.
In conclusion, there is no debate to have. The 500 is a stunning creation and the 804's obeyed it's commands with absolute submission and neutrality. As Frank (and Woodface I believe) said 500/804 is better than active 250 or 135/NBL.
Posted on: 05 November 2001 by woodface
Glad you are going for the 500, when I heard one I could belive the sheer headroom it had.
Posted on: 05 November 2001 by Derek Wright
I shall be trying a passive NBL this weekend with a 500.

What really suprised me with the 500 was how good it sounded compared with a pair of 135s even from cold. This was playing into Kef R107/2, there was a degree of presence and sound stage that was not there with the 135s. Intially the 500 sounded a little light but it is now deepening and filling out the sound really well

Apologies for not using the Pseudo realistic audio terminology <g>


Posted on: 05 November 2001 by Chris Bell
This weekend I set up an active SBL system using two NAP500s. System was top-flight: CDS2,52,Supercapped LP12/Troika,Supercapped SNAXO, ect. All I can say is that you have not heard what SBLs are capable of until you hear them active w/ 500s. The speed and focus was outrageous. Bass was incredible. In comparison, passive SBLs with one 500 sounded broken and dull. Scarry....very scarry.

Chris Bell
Stuck with passive DBLs/500

Posted on: 06 November 2001 by Bosh
NigelP - did 250-500, sbl-nbl demo recently. Loved NBL and 500 but not sure about both together. Did you try the NBLs vs 804s?

Chris Bell - Are you saying Active 500/SBL eats 500/DBL? Where does NBL sit in the SBL/DBL hierarchy?

Forum Admin - Is there a consensus within the factory of the system hierarchy above 52/super/135/SBL (where I am now). Where is the money best spent? What is the ultimate pinnacle for me to aspire to? The logistics of demos at this level are very difficult

[This message was edited by Bosh on TUESDAY 06 November 2001 at 09:24.]

Posted on: 06 November 2001 by Doug Graham
FWIW I've changed from active Sbl's (4x 135's) to Nap 500 and NBL. This was oh so significant. I really love the midrange thing. If space is a problem then the Sbl with a single Nap 500 is good but i can confirm previous comment that active Nap 500/Sbl is frighteningly good.

I'd say that rather than going active with mono's one really needs to investigate the Nap 500.



Posted on: 06 November 2001 by NigelP

I didn't actually carry out the demo in one session as I would if I were buying speakers as well. I listened to the 500/NBL which was thrilling to say the least. See my Naim Trip Report. What I have listened to is the 500 driving Allae, NBL and 804 in separate sessions. My feelings on the three were:

  • Allae - really fast and impressive. I wondered at the time whether the biggest difference was the 500
  • NBL - Outstanding and musical in every way.
  • 804 - Absolutely superb but bass not as well defined as NBL

I would say that I would put NBL on top, 804 second (close but lighter in the bass and a little slower in the treble), Allae in third place. I haven't really looked at comparisons between NBL and similar speaker yet but will try against 802 and PMC's rather big but excellent MB1 when I'm ready to buy.



Posted on: 06 November 2001 by sceptic
500 verses active update
Imagine my disappointment!
I thought this thread was about a poetry reading marathon!

Which system can best distinguish between Pam Ayres and Eric Cantona?
(It's all about revealing PRaT)

If people who can't spell versus can afford 500s, does it matter?

[This message was edited by sceptic on TUESDAY 06 November 2001 at 19:48.]

Posted on: 06 November 2001 by Steve Crouch

I have heard a 500 and agree it is stunning. However, if one can get another pair of 135's 2nd hand and have a spare Supercap (well I can take it from the Prefix and replace it with Hi-Cap that's not being used) then active 135's is a very good option until additional funds can be saved for upgrade to passive 500, especially since 135's can be sold on later. BTW can the Snaxo be used for active 500's idc?!


Passive 135's into SBL's (52 & CDS2 & LP12)

Posted on: 06 November 2001 by NigelP
Hadn't noticed the spelling mistake! Sorry you were disappointed when you were looking for prose wink
Posted on: 06 November 2001 by Chris Bell

Active SBLs w/ 500 are very different than passive DBLs w/ a single 500. If you did not have the propper room for DBLs, the active SBL route is amazing, as would active NBL's.

I much prefer the scale of DBLs, even passive, so in a way they are better.

Chris Belll

Posted on: 07 November 2001 by Bosh
Very interesting. I think the road ahead is clearly to go 500 then look at speakers. Better get saving and hope the missus will make do with chocs and the kids and orange and sixpence for Xmas.