Format Wars - It's all about money
Posted by: Hammerhead on 02 April 2001
'Finally, some of the impetus for change may also come from the fact that the patents on CD technology will expire soon, which means lower licensing revenues for Sony and Philips. New technology means new licences and more cash.' is what it's all about.
That's why you're always knocking it.
Ouch! - that hurts!
I believe you'll find, if you read my previous posts, my criticisms are of the allocation of resources, not of the technology. I'm quite prepared to admit I haven't heard DAB, and therefore cannot (and have not) passed comment on quality.
I can also say categorically, knowing the perceptual data reduction methods used to reduce the data rates, that a reduction in data rate will result in a reduction of quality.
I love technology, gadgets and progress - really
As dynamic compression can be added at the user end, there is no need to add it at the broadcasting end, so there is no reason to think that the BBC will add it at a later date.
This also holds true for analogue, so why is it added at the transmit end. The reason is simple, for the broadcaster to guarantee audibility in the environments they broadcast to, they have to have the control.
I'm quite prepared to be told I was wrong, and only time will tell whether my supposition will be correct - I'm fairly confident.
I know you hate CDr as well
Again if you can cut and paste a quote where I've said that, I'll eat my CD-R machine (and the PC).
My only comments with regard to CD-R is I haven't been able to produce a musically listenable copy of a CD.
To the average punter DAB offers obvious improvements in quality and convenience
Again, I haven't disagreed with this, simply because I'm unable to speak with authority on the subject.
If you wish to pick me up on things I've actually written, please feel free to do so - I still stand by all of my comments with regard to resource (financial and bandwidth) allocation and it's likely effects.
At the end of the day time will tell, and I honestly hope that I'm proved wrong, since if there are obvious long-term performance benefits I'd like them in my house as well.
Unfortunately my cynicism of the controlling powers (the reason for many of the discussions within this thread) needs to be proved wrong. History is on my side at present
Andrew L. Weekes
My only comments with regard to CD-R is I haven't been able to produce a musically listenable copy of a CD.
I assumed that you didn't like CD-R. Silly me !
The thing about adding compression to DAB, is that there is functionality in the DAB tuner to do this, whereas with FM I don't think there is. The BBC have said that they don't intend to put compression on pre-broadcast for this reason. However, I'm sure you're right that the more commercial stations may well do so for the reasons that you suggest.
The thing about adding compression to DAB, is that there is functionality in the DAB tuner to do this, whereas with FM I don't think there is. The BBC have said that they don't intend to put compression on pre-broadcast for this reason.
That's excellent news, I wonder if the compression within the receiver can be controlled from the broadcast end? Could open up any easy sound quality tweak if the user could override the decision at their end, maybe via the back-door remote control commands that have become so common with DVD region protection.
Let's hope others follow the BBC lead.
Andrew L. Weekes