Am I being realistic?
Posted by: Top Cat on 20 March 2001
Last night I finally hooked up an external PSU onto my headphone stage, everything at Phase 6 Mana. The sound of the LP12 playing a decently mastered LP through the HD600s was nothing short of phenomenal.
Thing is, even though I am happy with my new amps (not yet broken in, admittedly), I crave that extra detail I could hear through the headphones. Am I being realistic - is this a non-achievable goal, within regular budgets (i.e. no £10,000+ speakers - I can't justify that amount of cash!)
Can an amp and speakers combination achieve the kind of detail that a top-of-the-range headphone through a sorted dedicated headphone amp can deliver? Or am I searching for a holy grail just a bit out of reach?
The regular system is very good indeed now, but wow! that headphone sound! Wow!
ANy thoughts, people?