How come the terminals on the back of my 250 run right-left,left-right(red-black, black-red)?? When I plug in the Naim naca5 connectors, one has to be plugged in upside down if you want to follow the tabs on the connector(single tab=pos.)It seems like a simple solution and assemble the spkr jacks in a right-left, right-left configuration...I know there is a simple answer somewhere...
Posted on: 05 May 2002 by Manu
All Naim amp have the same config.
On the 250 (and others), a bare wire between both negative (black) terminals is the amp's ground center point. This wire should be the shortest as possible. So both - terminals are side by side. To keep the compatibility among amps, it is always the case, even if it is not a necessity on pcb mounted terminals (NAITs, 150 ...).
It is an other proof of Naim's minimum compromise policy: Even if it is a pain (mostly for dealers who solder the speaker wires), it sounds better, so they do it that way.
You should have both speaker cables going the same way. Your dealer should have done it correctly. if not, bring your NACA5 back.
If you have done it yourself, you will have to think a little.
Hint: lay both cables'speakers end flat, + on the same side, banana plugs should point toward the sky on one cable and toward the ground on the other. And... don't twist wires halfway to correct the situation.
I recommand cable going towards the top of the amp, it is easier to avoid them to touch the rear of the shelf.
[This message was edited by Manu on MONDAY 06 May 2002 at 06:34.]