Turntable advice sought

Posted by: Bob Edwards on 07 February 2002

Posted on: 08 February 2002 by NB

Go and listen to a Roksan Xerxes, I have been using one for many years and have been very happy with it. There are many Xerxes's second hand and they represent good value for money.


Posted on: 08 February 2002 by Dev B

My first table was a LPT, with a RB300. If it is in good condition (check for platter swim) and the bearing is ok without undue wear go for it. it is less coloured than the rega (some might say less musical) but it is a very detailed and smooth deck.



Posted on: 08 February 2002 by John G.
Hi Bob,

Why not link the system in the study to your main system via the tape out on your main systems pre.

You could then use your tt, tuner and cd player as source, save some money and make a better sound. Your only cost would be the interconnect to route the two systems together.

I've got three systems routed together and can play one or all three at the same time and they sound fab. The interconnecting cables between the three systems are all 65' long! This is with Exposure amps so I'm not sure how Naim amps would work with long tape outputs, but it's worth checking out.


[This message was edited by John Gilleran on FRIDAY 08 February 2002 at 18:48.]

Posted on: 08 February 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by John Gilleran:

I've got three systems routed together and can play one or all three at the same time and they sound fab. The interconnecting cables between the three systems are all 65' long! This is with Exposure amps so I'm not sure how Naim amps would work with long tape outputs, but it's worth checking out.


there would be some earth loop issues to resolve, and 65ft cables would be one hell of a big earth loop!

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 08 February 2002 by John G.
"there would be some earth loop issues to resolve, and 65ft cables would be one hell of a big earth loop!" Martin

In my situation, I go from main system preamp tape out to the cd input of the integrated amp plugged into cheater plug, the tape out of the integrated amp to a Marantz receiver cd input.
The Marantz has a double bladed plug so does not ground the same way a three pronged device would.

All systems are very quite with no hum or buzz.

Taking the cheater plug out is another matter.

Posted on: 08 February 2002 by Rob Doorack
...is whether the manufacturer will still be in business and able to support your turntable in, say, five years, if you should need a part.
Posted on: 08 February 2002 by Bob Edwards

Serviceability is exactly why I'm leaning toward the Rega. I've also never owned a Planar 3 or P3, although I sold tons of them while in retail. I'm confident a P3 will play music very well, sound great through a Nait 1/IBL system, and last essentially forever. I plan on giving it to my son when he is a bit older; he is 4 now.

NB--I owned a maxed Xerxes X for a while. Original Xerxes apparently cannot be serviced, I understand Roksan essentially takes in originals and gives you back a Xerxes X (in exchange for money, of course).



Posted on: 08 February 2002 by Greg Beatty
Bob -

I second the idea of connecting your systems if this is viable at all. The Big Deal is that you only need one set of sources and they can all be better due to not spreading funds.

If not, then...

I've also never owned a Planar 3 or P3

...may be reason enough to get one big grin Or a 2nd-hand LP12 big grin big grin big grin

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 09 February 2002 by Dev B
they still can be serviced.



Posted on: 09 February 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by John Gilleran:
In my situation, I go from main system preamp tape out to the cd input of the integrated amp plugged into cheater plug, the tape out of the integrated amp

Presuming the cheater is an 'earth breaker' then this should resolver the problem.

to a Marantz receiver cd input.
The Marantz has a double bladed plug so does not ground the same way a three pronged device would.

Sounds like you have everything under control. Might be interesting to see if the main system sounds better with the cheater at the main-system end rather than the integrated amp.

cheers, Martin