Partners and music/Hi-fi

Posted by: Brucie on 22 May 2002


I wanted to start this thread to see if there are others out there who have (suffer) beloved partners who really cannot understand why you have gone beyond the basic midi system and spend thousands on little black boxes and buying lots of LPs/CDs.

Love her to bits but mine ALWAYS insists on turning it down to the point of way below 9 o'clock on the volume knob so its just audible. "Its too loud"

Here are some more...

"You want to upgrade to what!!?...why for heavens sake?"

"how much??? Just for that little arm on the record player!"

"those hi-fi companies are conning you"

Anyone with similar "experiences"

Posted on: 29 May 2002 by Rico

very kind - yes please, designs welcome! smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 29 May 2002 by John Luckins
I think I might just be the luckiest Naimy of all when it comes to domestic acceptance by partner. She considers that music is either to be danced to or chilled out to.She doesn't expect intellectual stimulation from music. I play liberal amounts of African dance music (lingala and South African), Madonna, and even Westlife and she does the rest. I'm rubbish at dancing so I chill out instead most of the time, but she more than makes up for me. I make sure I leave out the CD's she likes next to the player when I'm not around.

Recently borrowed some Rogers LS7's from a friend. Bit of a shock after the Kans and too large for the room. She said "not more junk", but we ended up listening all evening two days in a row, and I know she was listening when I was at work as well. She says they will have to go back though as they too big!

She has even agreed to me using the spare room next door for the Naim boxes alone.

For us music has become the second most valuable (but longest lasting!) form of domestic entertainment.

Posted on: 29 May 2002 by Arthur
Although she doesn't understand why I always am looking for new stuff and changes, she doesn't mind me doing that. Her rationale is that if I like it, I should just go ahead, as long as it is rational (and that's the only difficult part).

Now I must admit that I have an even more expensive and irrational hobby (in her mind that is), being my Porsche... Everything seems, no, IS cheap compared to that!

Thus, the advice should be: get a Porsche and start upgrading big grin

Posted on: 29 May 2002 by Hammerhead
Originally posted by Arthur:
Now I must admit that I have an even more expensive and irrational hobby (in her mind that is), being my Porsche... Everything seems, no, IS cheap compared to that!


I hear you brother!

(H20 cooled)