Is a CDX good enough for a 52?

Posted by: Alex S. on 12 July 2001

In your opinions

Thanks in advance


Posted on: 17 July 2001 by Alex S.
So I'm off to Grahams on Friday to test Paul's patience and resolve.

I've organised the following:


I am hoping to determine:

1. The exact worth of my CDPS relative to a stand alone CDX and an XPSed one.

2. Whether a CDX/CDPS and/or XPS is good enough for a 52 or whether this source actually sounds better through my Scapped 82 (as some have suggested)

3. Whether the 82/Supercap can do justice to a CDS2

4. Whether my CDPS is a good enough power supply for CDS2 and/or whether I must get a XPS.

I approach with an open mind but with a closed wallet. I am hoping that CDPS is sufficient and that I'll either stay happy as I am (CDX/CDPS/82/Scap) or wish for a CDS2 head unit.
I am hoping that I am not convinced by the necessity for CDS2/XPS/52.

BTW most forum members suspect CDS2 to be the obvious step whilst Paul at Grahams thinks 52 will bring the greatest reward. It is this confusion and my ignorance of the true worth of CDPS which leads me to do the dem

Will post the results.

Posted on: 17 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Whether the 82/Supercap can do justice to a CDS2

Believe me, it can.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 17 July 2001 by Jens

What's this closed wallet stuff? You know that what you are proposing is dangerous. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your pending delivery of CDS2 and 52.


Posted on: 18 July 2001 by Alex S.
How could I be so foolish and not see what you can see. I've just cancelled the dem and thrown away my wallet.

ps hope that Hi-Cap's still performing.


Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Alex S.
A stand alone CDX is not an adequate source for a S'Capped 82, let alone a 52. (Unless perhaps one does a Vuk and sits it on many layers of Mana).

A CDX with either power supply sounds better through an 82 than a 52 - 52 just further reveals its harsh, aggressive streak.

A CDPS is at least 75% down the path to XPS for a CDX. At this point the CDX becomes a decent player.

A CDS2 is a massive leap; even with the CDPS it vastly outperforms a CDX/XPS.

A 52 is another big leap but you must have the CDS2 first.

ps Hope you're all enjoying the Barbie - especially Ken.

Posted on: 20 July 2001 by ken c
ps Hope you're all enjoying the Barbie - especially Ken.

if you mean me, i am not at the barbie --- but thanks anyhow.

if not, apologies.

so, what have you decided to purchase?



Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
I can concur with your findings, almost to a T.

A stand alone CDX is not an adequate source for a S'Capped 82, let alone a 52. (Unless perhaps one does a Vuk and sits it on many layers of Mana).

I've heard Vuk's CDX/52/250 with and without Mana, and the Mana definitely helps. However, having heard a CDX/XPS/82/Super/250, I can tell you this is far better than Vuk's setup.

Unless you are a vinyl lover with an LP12/P9 that gets the lion's share of the action, don't settle for a CDX on a 52. Go for the CDX/XPS or preferably the CDS2 before upgrading to the 52.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Alex S.
Its the CDS2 for me - luckily I'll get it ex dem with a good px on the CDX (which to be honest I've never been satisfied with). I'll keep the CDPS for now, it works just fine with the CDS2. One day I'll get the 52 but CDS2/CDPS/82/S'Cap/2X250/N805s is a system I know I will enjoy for a very long time.
If my bank is in a really bad mood I can always chuck one of the 250s into the deal without a major loss.

Thanks to all, especially Mike, who have moved me in this very satisfying direction.

Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Alex S.
But I had to get my Barbie and Ken joke in somehow.
Posted on: 20 July 2001 by ken c
But I had to get my Barbie and Ken joke in somehow.

no problem...



Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
Thanks to all, especially Mike, who have moved me in this very satisfying direction.

You're welcome, and I know that you're going to love it.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 20 July 2001 by Chris Dolan
I approach with an open mind but with a closed wallet. I am hoping that CDPS is sufficient and that I'll either stay happy as I am (CDX/CDPS/82/Scap) or wish for a CDS2 head unit

Its the CDS2 for me .........I'll keep the CDPS for now, it works just fine with the CDS2

Chris wink

Posted on: 20 July 2001 by John
The CDX/XPS is a perfect match for an 82/Super. I have heard the CDS2 in my prior 82/Super setup and my current CDS1/52 kills it in every way.

The true glory of the CDS2 is masked by the 82/Super. Mike wait until you get your 52 but wait for about 3 months for it to burn in.

Posted on: 21 July 2001 by Alex S.
Don't be horrid -

- but I am schooled in source first principals
- and I've had a good look at my CDPS and feel sure that Naim really tried to impress with this power supply - ok an XPS sounds better and with more money I'd buy one, but an x-dem CDS2 head unit is definitely my best use of present resources.