
Posted by: ken c on 16 November 2001

i traded in my nait3 or nac112/150. just received the new combo today. driving linn Kan 1's. this kit sounds very comfortably good. i am sure glad i did the tradein.

i will not be surprised if there are many happy users out there.

source is currently a nakamichi 582 cassette deck, just come back from b&w for a very thorough service.



Posted on: 17 November 2001 by ken c
While it is very sensitive to vibration, and it has been tricky to set-up correctly with respect to stands

i must admit to not being that "careful" with setup for this spare system. i am using an old 5-level QS table (Mk I version) -- the nap150 is at the bottom shelf, nak582 on to shelf, and nac112 on the second shelf. system is powered from a dedicated ring mains. (spur is on my main system).

system didnt sound at all bad, even straight from the boxes!!

i am not sure i like those source selection buttons on the 112 -- they have a flimsy feel to them. however my daughter first reaction to the combo was "cool!!!" - so perhaps i am just an old fuddy-duddy.



Posted on: 17 November 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
It simply disappears and leaves music in its place.

That's the bit I love too!


P.S. Flatcap2 is a nice upgrade too, at a later date.

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Bosh
Have you downsized or is this a 2nd system?

On a different note, you may have read about my Fraiming and CDS2 in the "I've been Fraimed ......etc" thread and my subsequent disappointment with the newly setup (Fraimed)LP12/Aro/Ged/XX1-L/Prefix/Hicap vs CDS2 (Awesome). I know you went XX1 to XX2 and aware you believe the LP12 to be superior to CDS2.

I would be grateful of your views re XX1 lp12 vs CDS2 and XX2 vs CDS2 to see whether the cartidge is the limiting factor (When I dem'd the Fraim I had CDS1 and the LP12 was marginallly superior so I know the Fraim is not the cause)


Posted on: 20 November 2001 by Roland Huu
Good move Ken

Traded in my faithful nait3 for the 112/150 and it has been a wonderful combination. Seems an under estimated pairing in a lot of people's book.

currently.. 112/150; supercap; CDS1; intro-II


Posted on: 21 November 2001 by ken c
currently.. 112/150; supercap; CDS1; intro-II

roland, many thanks. what does a supercap do to the 112 and whats the cabling like?



Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Paul Stephenson
"Seems an under estimated pairing in a lot of people's book."

Glad you like it Roy and the guys spent a lot of time on this combo. We are very pleased with it, current sales world wide for the 112/150 are excellent.

Posted on: 21 November 2001 by MrI
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Juan Zenuff:
The 112/150 does things that a 102/180 does not, and vice versa.

When I demoed the 102/180 against 112/150 as a replacement for my 32.5/160, there was no choice for me. I much prefered the 112/150. The pair has a certain way of extracting quite sophisticated nuances in the music, in both tempo and tonality. I haven't quite decided if I prefer them with or without a hicap.
I don't know if I can confirm the vibration sensitivity posted above. They seem a peach for siting compared to my CDX!

Posted on: 21 November 2001 by jcc
For the past month I have been *using* a friend's 112. My current system is 32.5/HICAP/135's/SBL all serviced in July by NANA. All aspects of the music were dramatically improved. The 112 has to be one of the best current bargains in preamps.

The 112 has been back with my friend for about a week now. Oh please Santa!!!!

jimcash smile smile smile

Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Vik
When i replaced a 72 with a 112 on a supercap and passive 135s, the improvement ( i had not expected one, and therefore) was startling.

An existing system i use, in a very small room, is:-

A 52 will destroy it, but a 112 in it's own right has a very special tone that is in a class of it's own.

Naim's new range of electronics is phenomenal and sales have been great for the past year. The Allae is mindblowing.


Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Hammerhead
Might have to give a 112 a listen in the near future. I had been contemplating going 102 (82 is too far to reach at the mo).

Anyone mixed it with CDX and 140? Oh and what’s the volume knob like in action (on the 112)? I've yet to feel anything better (in the Naim range) than my old style 62 for just the right amount of smooth resistance without any play. Nice.

(Who likes positive tactility)

Posted on: 21 November 2001 by ken c
Have you downsized or is this a 2nd system?

second system. my main system is in my office -- to keep it away from curious little ones wanting to find out how a slice of bread (with jam) will sound in my cdsii

On a different note, you may have read about my Fraiming and CDS2 in the "I've been Fraimed ......

i stopped reading that thread when it became mostly content free.

I know you went XX1 to XX2 and aware you believe the LP12 to be superior to CDS2.

no, i didnt go XX1 to XX2 -- i went Linn Arkiv One to XX2. but you are right, i still believe that thare are things that a fully naimed LP12 does that even the mighty cdsii doesnt.

I would be grateful of your views re XX1 lp12 vs CDS2 and XX2 vs CDS2 to see whether the cartidge is the limiting factor

i dont know the XX1 i'm afraid. i wouldnt get too carried away with the lp12 vs cdsii comparison. the XX2 is fabulous in my fully naimed lp12. the cdsii is the best cd player i have ever heard -- i didnt like the cd12.

hope this helps.



Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Simon Matthews

A stiffer feel. Probably due to the volume pot motor. Still it's nice to play about with volume without having to get up off one's arse!

Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Roland Huu

I'm not good with words (PRaT and etc)... initially wanted a HiCap for the 112 but when Vik suggested (a firm believer of S/Cap) I gave it a shot and it was worth the many extra $$$.

Sound wise it just open the music but more important to me, everything sounds right/in place as they should be. With the S/Cap it gives you the impression that the music is not a in rush when pushed by a source like CDS1.

FlatCap2 is an obvious choice but if you can you should listen to the 112 with a HiCap and SuperCap.

Vik's a 'BAD influence' on the Naim stuff.


Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Tony L
We are starting to hear about the 112 / 150, but word is quiet on the new(ish) Nait 5. Whats it like? Is it better than a 3? Better than a 1? Better even than the mighty 2?


Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Simon Matthews

I use a nait5 in my av system driving some epos 14's which were too cheap to ignore. It has bags of musicality like the older naits but does more. For a start it drives the epos which previous nait's would have struggled with. It has more control and detail but knits it together really well. It does the leading edge thing but extracts more depth and information inside the note and sets up a really nice soundstage.

At the moment it is being fed by a lowly panasonic dvd player but a better dedicated CD player would get more out of it. Having never owned previous naits I cannot be fully objective but I am familiar with the nait 2 from the system of a friend. I would say that it has a sound which follows the 'blood line' but introduces more sophistication and adaptability. I am lucky enough to use a 52,500 combo and, although there are big differences ( I would hope so!), I can recognise a very strong presentational similarity which is an evolution for naim and I like it

Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Vik
Putting it in your terms, hear it driving a Kan1 .
Sold a pair today, driven by CD5/FC2/Nait5. Very very good, but yes there was the flatcap factor.

try and get a dem sometime.

(5 series must be well run in for best results)