Demand for 552?

Posted by: ebirah on 20 January 2002

Theres some anticipation on other threads that the new 552 will generate a thriving second hand user market for 52s but I was wondering today how true this really is? The 52 is a pretty rarified beast as is.

I remember the 52s debut. At that time the 72 was Naims top pre-amp and clearly the 52 was in a completely different league, performance and price wise. The new machine will have to be a quantum leap above the 52 to justify its cost. Furthermore, the 52 is a stunning machine but one that occasionally struggles to justify its cost when judged against the value for money of the lesser Naim pre-amps. Even given staggering performance, I doubt more than a fraction of us could justify the cost or afford it in any event.

When last in Grahams I was listening to a CDS2 and 52. I asked how many they sold - apparently quite a few. Interestingly however, I was told most were not to the sort of hi-fi enthusiast that frequents this Forum but rather to those who have just had the architects in, want a hi-fi system in the new house, money is no object, and they want the best thing in the shop. I wonder how many of these 52 users will be even aware (or care) that a new pre-amp is available?

This type of Forum probably attracts die-hard, anorak wearing, navel gazing enthusiasts (I count myself among this number before you start egging me!). For many of us a 52 is an impossible achievement, even more so a pre-amp costing 15K. Im just curious how many of us here have 15K or so ready in anticipation of this new product? I know I have not! Perhaps only a few 52s will be liberated? Who knows?


Posted on: 20 January 2002 by Don Atkinson

those who have just had the architects in, want a hi-fi system in the new house, money is no object, and they want the best thing in the shop. I wonder how many of these 52 users will be even aware (or care) that a new pre-amp is available?

All of them as soon the next extension/house move is on the cards in say 5 years time! and all the new movers/extenders in the meantime. If you're spending £100k based on your architect's advice, why quible about a few £kkk in the hi-fi department. Just as relevant, how many of them will be aware of the 52 once the 552 is available? My guess is NONE of them - Grahams just won't mention the 52 anymore!

Keep your eyes peeled in about 5 years time!



Posted on: 20 January 2002 by garyi
In Fairness will it actually be 15 grand, has this been confirmed?

One of the mods, Doug I believe said somewhere else in this forum that he was involved in naim issues and at no time had cost bee discussed.

I would hope for an unveiling at Bristol, and I would imagine people will have disposable income, but as you say will it be current naim owners wishing to upgrade?

One thing is for sure, I thought you couldn't beat a 135 6 pack, but then I heard a 500, so there you go.

[This message was edited by garyi on SUNDAY 20 January 2002 at 20:03.]

Posted on: 20 January 2002 by Mick P

There will be many reasons why someone will pay a lot of money to own the best amp in the world.

1. He may be a true enthusiast who wants to listen to the best presentation of music


2. He has pots of money and simply wants the best in hifi,carpets, wallpaper, TV's etc.

Even so, if an amp is released, it will sell because there are enough people in the above two categories to ensure that it will happen.

It is often the the case that the sales of top end goods remain unaffected by recession.



Posted on: 20 January 2002 by Martin Payne
I believe that at one time Naim had a bigger backlog of orders on the NAP500 than the total number of pairs of DBLs ever built.

Naim don't build products unless they can justify their price point. By this logic, we haven't yet heard what the NAP500 is capable of. Wonder if there'll be another surge in demand for these, also?

Build it, and they will come.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by ken c
i gather from the grapevine that there will also be a new power amp, to slot between the 135's and the NAP500. oh my, they have been busy!!



Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Doug Graham
15k for the new preamp! New power amp!
My, the rumourmill has been busy!


Doug wink

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Steve B
Is it 12:30 already?

Steve B

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Hammerhead
Is it 12:30 already?

Steve B

Wish it was - then it'd be only half an hour till lunch roll eyes



Posted on: 21 January 2002 by matthewr
>> Is it 12:30 already? <<

Naim finally worked out how Stonehenge works and have switched it back on causing time to become accelerated. This will wind inflation forward to such an extent that £15k for a preamp will soon seem very reasonable.


Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Steve B
I'm going to stick my neck out:

New CD player - £8000
Pre-amp - £9000

Who needs a life when there's a Naim Forum?

Steve B

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Doug Graham:
15k for the new preamp! New power amp!
My, the rumourmill has been busy!

Why can't we just talk about the new £12,000 CD player that Naim will release next year to match the 500 power amp and the new preamp for the same price (£12k)that they havn't announced yet? (Just had an idea for a new thread on the hi-fi forum!)

Paul S.

don oh don inaccurate!!


Now, is that the cd or the pre? Probably both, I guess. eek

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by ken c
using a 150% heuristic, the new naim cd player will probably be about £9-£10K including power supply. the p/s will most likely be XPS, to allow mad folk like us to upgrade the player only.

extrapolating across the other new babies, new pre-amp will be about £10K, again including p/s. there may well be a surprise on the pre-amp p/s front.

new power amp -- dunno whether this will be mono or stereo (probably stereo, assuming, as is almost certain, that NAP500 technology/topology will be employed). price in the region of £3.5K to £4K. i guess the pricing should be such that 2 of these new power amps in active mode will be cheaper than the mighty 500, consistent with the fact that the new power amp will be positioned lower than the big brother.

sbl replacements? dunno.

nuff of this...



[This message was edited by ken c on MONDAY 21 January 2002 at 18:44.]

Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Alex S.
1. He may be a true enthusiast who wants to listen to the best presentation of music
2. He has pots of money and simply wants the best in hifi,carpets, wallpaper, TV's etc.

Or both!
