Audiophile cabinets with doors

Posted by: Robby on 05 March 2002

Does anybody know of any audiophile racks/cabinets which have doors? I know Quadraspire do one but I wanted to get away from glass shelves.

Failing this has anybody come with a foolproof way of keeping childrens fingers away from hi-fi? I suspect not, but who knows?


Posted on: 05 March 2002 by ejl
I can't answer your question, but I thought this was an interesting little article about kids and stereo gear:
Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Frank Abela
There's a new name on the scene - ARCA. They make all kinds of cabinet hifi furniture. Looks very well made but no idea about the sonic virtues.

Audiofile furniture make a very good cabinet, if an expensive one. Available with your choice of wood with wood inserts, glass inserts or cloth inserts (cloth allows IR through without letting the kit be visible). It's in the class of the Starbase in terms of both performance and cost.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Mike in CO
Salamander Designs makes some pretty nice stuff, with or without doors. Prices are a little high, but my wife loved the look of the cabinets instantly, and was much happier with the look of them than with the Target Beta rack. I'm just as happy (or happier) with the sound of them, too.

Salamander Web site

Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Mike in CO
I bought 2 pieces of plexiglass to cover the components on the bottom shelves. The sheets were just a little wider than the rack itself, and tall enough to cover the components (about 20" x 6"). I drilled small holes in the plexiglass, near where the rack posts would be, and put plastic sliding "kid-locks" through the holes and around the post to secure them. Worked perfectly. It prevented my now-crawling baby from hitting the 250 power switch, which he liked to do, and still let me in to do what I needed.

I later got the Salamander unit as a premptive strike for when he's able to stand/walk. (And to quiet the wife's "I hate that rack" comments.)


Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Phil Barry
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1974...

I had a reel-reel tape deck, which fascinated my kid. I kept moving it higher and higher. I finally had it on a shelf that was 5 feet above the floor, inadvertently too close to a table.

One day I found my 2-year old son standing on the table with one finger in the take up reel watching the tape make nice sinuous curves as it wound from the tape heads to the floor.

I retired the tape deck....


Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
My Quadraspire unit has doors and wooden shelves (MDF in fact). It is a few years old but perhaps they could still make one like this. I guess i could post a pic if needed.


Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Frank Abela:

Audiofile furniture make a very good cabinet, if an expensive one. Available with your choice of wood with wood inserts, glass inserts or cloth inserts (cloth allows IR through without letting the kit be visible). It's in the class of the Starbase in terms of both performance and cost.

If it's in the StarBase league then it will be very good!

Extremely impressed with this in my system.

cheers, Martin