So does everyone use NACA5 with Naim kit?

Posted by: mystik on 28 February 2002

So does everyone use NACA5 with Naim kit? I was also considering some Kimber cable as I need some new cable. I currently have Sonic Link AST 75X2. Any suggestions?

[This message was edited by mystik on THURSDAY 28 February 2002 at 13:39.]

Posted on: 28 February 2002 by Steve B
Can't speak for everyone else though.

Steve B

Posted on: 28 February 2002 by garyi
Make sure you get the white coloured one its better quality than the black.
Posted on: 28 February 2002 by mystik
Originally posted by garyi:
Make sure you get the white coloured one its better quality than the black.

Why is white better? Is there a price or availability difference?

Posted on: 28 February 2002 by ken c
i use NACA5. i found white slightly easier to maniplaute than black.



Posted on: 28 February 2002 by garyi
Hook Line and Sinker! eek
Posted on: 28 February 2002 by Eddie Pugh
I don't on my main system (CDX,XPS,82,2Hi,250, Yamaha 1000M)

This is only because I can't pull A5 through the conduits I installed in my wall to allow me to position my speakers either side of my fireplace years ago. My wife would not stand for black or white A5 snaking across the hearth.

Chord Rumour without the additional external sheath is very user friendly for conduit installation though and sounds pretty good to my ears.

I do use A5 in my study though (72, HiCap 140, Kef Q15 soon to be replaced by some Dynaudio Contour 1.1) but I would caution to use it carefully.
I broke a terminal right off the back of a Quad 606 once due to its excessive stiffness



Posted on: 28 February 2002 by David Quigley
I do, I do, I do
Posted on: 28 February 2002 by Raphael
Hi there
I have committed untold of sins. I have a 52 running into a Dynavector amp and then into Shahinian Obelisks! I tried NACA5 and Odyssey between the DV and the Obs and have settled on Kimber 8TC as being the best of NACA5 and Odyssey. However, DV and Shahinian apparently were designed with Kimber stuff in mind.
Not sure if this helps but Russ Andrews do offer a try and buy system which works well.
Good luck
Posted on: 28 February 2002 by garyi
Posted on: 28 February 2002 by Pete Lewthwaite
I'm with Eddie Pugh on this one. Chord Rumour (install version) keeps SWMBO happy and sounds good too (at least it does to me).


Posted on: 28 February 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
A happy Rumour user. It is thin, flexible and unobtrusive. I have never tested it against NACA% so cannot tell you what I am missing!


Posted on: 01 March 2002 by Colin Lorenson
It works better with B&W N804's than NACA5 which was too slow and soggy sounding.

Colin Lorenson

Posted on: 01 March 2002 by Rico
yes. All except those who have lost their way. Check out the FAQ for more details.

I currently have Sonic Link AST 75X2. Any suggestions?

Yes. Buy, beg, steal, or borrow yourself some NACA5 for your Naim amp. Use the sonic link for tying up your "tomatoes". or your girlfriend.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 01 March 2002 by Frank Abela
Apart from better timing, I think you'll find NACA5 has a bigger bass and less bright sound than your Sonic Link. Your CDM1SE's have a tendency to be a little slow off the mark so the pace of the system is improved, but you may find that the loss in brightness translates to a loss of sparkle, which you may miss initially.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 01 March 2002 by Peter Stockwell
Originally posted by Frank Abela:
... CDM1SE's have a tendency to be a little slow off the mark ...

What's the best cd player & amp that you've heard with these speakers. I have a pair, and I'm always looking to get the best out of them.


Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Top Cat sucks but it's more bunny proof than DNM Reson which sounds far better with the Nait-2.

However, this is one occasion where I'll happily go with the NAC-A5 regardless of sound quality...

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Mario
I use this stuff religiously, I also once spent a shitload of money on Audioquest Dragon back in my foolish round earth days, boy what was I thinking? Stuffing around with cables is a waste of time, naim has done all that stuffing around for us so that we can get on with listening to music. NAC-A5 is the best cable for your naim amplifier, period.

p.s. had I not been distracted by all that hifi stuff, I would have been at cdx-102 level rather than cd5-112, oh well, just makes me appreciate the wake up call that my ears were giving me even more!
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Alco
I tried many cables lately on my Nait-2.

I kinda hate Naca5 for it's absurd stiffness.
I tried Kimber TC4 and TC8 which,imho, is much better than naca5. It's way more open,and detailed. The AudioNote cable is even better,but about 4 times the price of Nac-a5.

Currently I'm using Van den Hul "Clearwater", but VDH is 'clear'ly not the best with Naim.

Nac-a5 is the safest bet and it's affordable but you have to deal with that fact that is's as flexible as a stick of bamboo.

Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Steve Toy
I currently have Sonic Link AST 75X2.

I have auditioned Sonic Link speaker cable, interconnects, and even their mains lead.

All were really dreadful (IMHO).

They all had the same characteristic - detail fell over itself to get through the system and to your ears.

Timing cues were wrecked, the shape of notes was completely mutilated, and the tune went AWOL.

I use Naca5 where I don't need to - with Densen amps, and I have yet to hear a more musical speaker cable in my own system.



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 01 May 2002 by Lightkeeper
I have try a lot of cables with Naim.
Audioquest, Cardas, MIT, Chord, Cable Talk, Kimber Kable, NACA 5, Linn, Tara Labs...
But the cable which is miles better than all is Straight Wire Maestro. This cable sings, it's not a filter like others. If anyone of you have a chance to try, do it. It's a killer cable.
