Going Active-Tweeter Protection

Posted by: leslie on 08 June 2002

I am going active with 2 NAP160s, a NAXO 2-4 and non Naim speakers. Do I need to protect the tweeters by putting a high value cap in series with them? I have heard that large motor run polypropylene caps(8-10 uf) can be used. Grateful for some advice please.
Posted on: 08 June 2002 by Martin Payne
Protecting the tweeters is the job of the NAXO or SNAXO.

Removing the passive crossover components such as capacitors is one of the raison-d'etre for going active in the first place.

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 08 June 2002 by J.N.
When you first hook up your active system, remember that old carpentry adage:

"Measure twice, cut once"

Double check all connections AND make sure you the volume pot is at zero. Ease it up very slowly, just in case you're feeding bass into a tweeter!
Posted on: 08 June 2002 by johno
plug only the bass in first...

treble will not blow up a bass unit... where as...

Posted on: 08 June 2002 by Rico
Does this mean you've designed a speaker to similar parameters as a Naim speaker in order to use a NAXO? Cool.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio