Just got my 52/Supercap ... Query ...
Posted by: JosephR on 26 June 2001
What's the Black Burndy for ? Is the Snaic just for powering the 52 ?
In order for the 52 to function properly, there needs to be 2 things that must be connected properly from the supercap: the burndy which carries the power rails for the analogue section, and a "snaic"(is this called a snaic?) that carries the power for the digital bits in the 52. Once you've these two sorted out, then you can start connecting all your other sources, ie. gyrodec, cd player.
I'm sure you're going to find your new 52 simply awesome.
Congratulations on your NAC 52! If you have any doubts, check out the on-line manuals at the Naim website.
Willem, can you give me a link to the manuals ? I can't find any at the Naim website, just technical specifications and nice descriptions.
Laxton, excited indeed. Got home really late, then took me some time to fit the phono boards, then fit into the racks, etc ... Couldn't play loud of course, but while using the Cardas test record to check proper connection of left and right, heard a lot of previously unheard detail on one of the tracks. Then had to knock off, though. But this initial impression is a great start. The only issue is the remote control. Very difficult to control volume levels, it's easier to do it manually ...
Try going in to
Products Amplifiers Introduction
If you scroll down you will find Download Manuals and then you get a choice of what to download.
You will need Acrobat Reader to download /read but that should not be a problem ??
Incidently, did you but new? .. through a dealer?
Well done with your 52 - it won't disappoint! As already outlined the two connectors are for the analogue and digital parts of the preamp. Happy listneing!
An excellent upgrade indeed, and best when louder. It just breathes music, and is really getting better as the days go by (really confused sound at first) ... Unbelievably significantly more powerful bass compared to my NAC72, I now have to rearrange and add more room treatments ...
Also, finally answered my own question on why some Naim users use low-output phono cartridges when I couldn't get them to work well and loud in my NAC 72/K phono board setup. The gain on the NAC 52/K phono board is just much higher than that on the 72/K phono board, I now have to look for a lower-output cart ...
Glad to know you finally got those Manas set up ... I was looking into the Particulars as well, the retail price for the 5-tier one is S$ 2500.00. Was shocked to see one of their models at US$ 9,000 in their website !