Naim price increase

Posted by: count.d on 12 January 2002

When do Naim have a price increase?
Posted on: 12 January 2002 by J.N.
Nothing to do with 'April Fools' day.

Or is it?

Posted on: 12 January 2002 by Steve Toy
Have I got to get me an XPS before then? wink

I can't afford it just yet. frown

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 13 January 2002 by Ade Archer
Have I got to get me an XPS before then?
I can't afford it just yet.

Same here!
Is it likely these will go up. Do all the products increase, or just some of them, and if so, can we have some details of which ones, and roughly how much do they increase by.
Better start scrimping and saving now just in case.


Posted on: 13 January 2002 by Phil Barry
The proper MBA answer: compare the price incrtease to the borrowing costs of money you'd need to borrow, adjusting for net present value. Pick the cheaper option.
Posted on: 13 January 2002 by J.N.
I seem to remember that a 250 went from £1,805 to £1,855 last April.

500 from £9,995 to £10,250?

Around 3%.