Best cartridge matching approach question
Posted by: LennyK on 06 March 2001
I currently have LP12/Aro/Armageddon/Lyra Lydian Beta/102/Supercap/250/Katans.
The Cartridge is not a good match with the current phono boards due to its relatively high output. I use the K boards as these sound the best.
Since I like the Lyra cartridges presentation, I am considering purchasing the new Lyra Halikon, the special version that has a lower output matched to the Naim K boards.
The Halikon with trade-in costs about $2000 US dollars.
Here are my Three options:
1. Purchase Lyra Halikon.
2. Purchasing an outboard phono pre-amp from another manufacturer that is matched to the cartridge I now have.
3. Purchase a less expensive cartridge that matches the Naim K phono boards well, and use a Naim phono pre-amp such as the Prefix or the new outboard pre-amp.
All options cost about the same.
I will ultimately get a dedicated phono pre-amp at some point, and prefer to stay all Naim.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Lennart Kisner