Are these a match and what's up with the increase in used Naims?

Posted by: Sigmund on 21 January 2002

Is the Nap 140 amplifier compatible with the Naim 2 converted into a pre-amp? And, why am I seeing a sudden increase in Naim gear? Is there a new series coming soon?
Posted on: 21 January 2002 by David Dever
Is the Nap 140 amplifier compatible with the Naim 2 converted into a pre-amp?

If you've already got a NAIT 2, I'd keep it "stock". These units are more difficult to find, and you could trade it for a 42-5 / 110 combo that'd outperform it, if you like.

And, why am I seeing a sudden increase in Naim gear? Is there a new series coming soon?

From what I've seen there are a lot of people whov'e upgraded their systems over the last two years; combined with the downturn in the economy, this would explain the rise in available used gear...and yet, some of the same pieces come up over and over again (exact to the serial number).

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Phil Barry
Until losing my source of income a few months ago, I was pretty active in observing the used Naim market since about 1996 via scans of e-Bay, Audiogon, Audioweb, AudioShopper, and, with an occasional look at Loot (since I'm in the US and won't do mail order to an individual overseas....).

Availbility moves in cycles/waves. Sometimes there's a lot, sometimes only a little, sometimes none. Just wait - Naim equipment will appear as scarce as hen's teeth again...for a while.


Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Sigmund
Thanks, gentlemen, for your comments. I'll check the Naim page for info on the 42-5/ 110 combo you suggested, Dave. How does the 140 amp compare with the 110, since there appears to be a couple of 140 amps available now and what pre-amp matches best with it? I'm running a pair of Quad ESL-63's.
Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Until losing my source of income a few months ago, I was pretty active in observing the used Naim market since about 1996 via scans of e-Bay, Audiogon, Audioweb, AudioShopper, and, with an occasional look at Loot (since I'm in the US and won't do mail order to an individual overseas....).

I too have been following this market (though only since October of last year) and have put what I have observed up on my hobby site in case anyone is interested:



Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Tony L
Availbility moves in cycles/waves.

I think there is a trend thing too - people are starting to wise up about the real bargains which has the unfortunate effect of bumping the price up.

A couple of years ago there were loads of cheap Nait 1 & 2, 32.5 / 110, Kans and 350 quid LP12 / Ittok combos on Loot. The average asking price of a LP12 / Ittok has shot up to about 500 quid, and there now seems to be a real lack of decent Naits / Kans etc, though when they do turn up the price is still pretty low (£125-£150 for a Nait 1 £150-£250 for a Nait 2 and £150-£225 for Kans).

The early Naim preamps are still pretty common and cheap, as are reasonably priced 82s. People are starting to wise up to the earlier powers, the 160 seems to have had a price hike, late ones have been advertised for not that much less than cheap old 250s!

SBLs are still a bargain as are IBLs, though for some reason there are a lot of tatty ones doing the rounds - do people beat up their speakers or something? (I'm the sort of person who can own something for 20 years and it still looks brand new). DBLs seem to take the biggest hit on selling, they are obviously rare, but they only seem to make about one third of new price.

The bargain basement 700-800 quid CDI and CD2s seem to have pretty much dried up too, and I have to admit I can't understand why, I would expect them to have kept dropping, especially in the case of the CDI as I believe it is not possible to replace the transport of early ones. The CDS1 still seems to be worth about 2k. The CDX seems to have a set price of 1650 quid regardless of age!

I am sure this place has an impact on prices, when a buzz starts about a component the market dries out - think how long JC as been after a decent pair of Kans.

Dr Exotica:

I too have been following this market (though only since October of last year) and have put what I have observed up on my hobby site in case anyone is interested:

I have indeed cranked the swank - excellent site. Did you get my email regarding my bizarre LP wants?


Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Sigmund:
How does the 140 amp compare with the 110, since there appears to be a couple of 140 amps available now and what pre-amp matches best with it?

I've got a 110 and a 140 and have used both with various speakers (Credos and Mission). The amps sound quite similar but with the 140 having noticeably bit more grunt and control, especially with the Credos.

I'm currently running an experimental active setup with the 110 on one channel and the 140 on the other and to be honest I couldn't tell much of a difference between them.

I've tried the 110 with 32.5, 92R and 22 preamps and while it worked well with them all the 32.5 was the best match.
