Naim - language

Posted by: fled on 04 August 2002

This is my first post, after many enjoyable reads on this board I have finaly decided to post, the reason is I need some clarification on the language !
What is Flat earth / round earth
What is a Mullet system
What is Mana wars
I have recently bought a CD5, 102, 180 and yes its exciting but where do I go from here ?
Hicap for both CD5 and 102 ? What will it give me extra ? smile
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by herm
Originally posted by fled:
where do I go from here ?
Hicap for both CD5 and 102 ? What will it give me extra ? smile

Hi Fled (kin of Flud, by any chance?), welcome

get a Hi-Cap for the 102 fast, so that the 180 won;t have to power the 102, putting all its power towards the speakers. And a NAPSC for the 102. Thirdly a Hi-Cap or Flatcap for the CD5.

It'll give you more music, i.e. more vibrant sound, making you get closer to the actual musical experience.

Secondly do me a favor and don't ever use the word M*n* again. For Flat Earth use the search bike in the right hand corner down on the opening page of the HiFi Corner.

Mullet system is the opposite of source first: big speakers with more drivers than a sow has tits, if you'll pardon my Fr*nch.

Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
'Flat Earth' means judging a hifi using musical criteria. 'Mullet' means that your system would benefit from investment towards the source end.

There will be loads of erudition in this vein archived away on many very high quality threads. They really don't make 'em like they used to.

Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Arthur Bye

In the upper right hand of your screen you will see a link to the "Unofficial Naim Faq." Go to the link for the "Forum." A good bit of what you are looking for is here.

Arthur Bye
Posted on: 05 August 2002 by fled
Many thanks guys.
I have been to the unofficial Naim site and found all I need ?
except of course the Hicaps, I fear they may have to wait a little, at least untill the wife and bank balance settle down. frown
Any unwanted Hicaps out there ???
Posted on: 05 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
I always thought it was a way to lovingly describe a poor sounding system.

Well, if you don't like music you might think that.
