Hi-Fi Shrink

Posted by: Mats S on 26 September 2002

I've been seeing my Hi-Fi Shrink for some time now. We are discussing my need for new speakers. My shrink has an open attitude, which is good. This is based on his own multi-culture system consisting of British Linn CD, Candadian Bryston Pre-amp, US Krell poweramp and Danish Dynaudio speakers.

To the point: I would welcome any speaker suggestions for my system from You, the Naim Audience.
My front-end system consists of:
-CD3.5/Flatcap 2,
-Linn Sondek LP12/Ittok/Asaka, Lingo,

My room is small/medium sized (5 x 4.5 meters). My listening position is about 3 meters from the speakers.

Budget is about 1500 GBP. Some speakers bothering my mind are Totem Arro, Linn Ninka/ESPEK, Living Voice Auditorium, Dynaudio C 1.8 II.
If anyone has an opinion on the above speakers, or suggestions on other brands, please let me know!

Mats S
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Andrew Randle
Ninkas are in your price range, but Espeks are £2500.

The main test will between Naim Credos and Linn Ninkas. Other thoughts are Royd or NEAT loudspeakers.


Andrew Randle
Tip 2: Rather than buying ready-made, use a potato peeler for making parmesan shavings
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by JRHardee
Upon sending me my customary fee, I will counsel you to do a home demo on any and all of the speakers you are considering.
Make sure you only have one pair of speakers in the roomat a time--having a second set of speakers in the room really does make the system sound like crap.
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by jcc
I concur with Doc Hardee on both counts.

My votes for speakers would be Credo, Allae (demo maybe), or used SBLs.


ps: my fees are lower than Doc Hardee's...
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Andrew Randle
One thing I noticed is that Credos are not listed. Have they been discontinued? If so, then an extra £500 would be worthwhile for a pair of Allaes.


Andrew Randle
Tip 2: Rather than buying ready-made, use a potato peeler for making parmesan shavings
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Bob McC
wouldn't the plastic shavings off the peeler taste rather bland and a bit too crunchy?
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Phil Barry
Um, what speakers are you using now? What do you like and dislike about them? What areas do you want to improve?

What proportion of the time do you spend on CD vs. LP vs. radio?

If you already have good speakers (Epos ES12s or better, for example), you might get better bang for your buck by upgrading your source.


Posted on: 28 September 2002 by Mats S
Thanks Phil and everyone else who have responded to my query!

Beleive it or not, but since 13 years I'm using a pair of Linn Index Plus speakers. I've been upgrading my source ever since. The transparent Linn's has revealed every improvement of my upgrades. But maybe not every tone. Now I feel it is time to get some more balance in my system. This is my Shrink's advice as well.
I listen 60% CD, 40% LP. Bands I favour are for example The Corals, Depeche Mode, Aerosmith, Motorhomes, Kent, Led Z, Purple, Sabbath, Cake and Supergrass.

I'm looking for a relaxed sounding speaker, which can easy up my rather forward sounding front-end.

Best Regards
Mats S