Hi-Fi Shrink
Posted by: Mats S on 26 September 2002
I've been seeing my Hi-Fi Shrink for some time now. We are discussing my need for new speakers. My shrink has an open attitude, which is good. This is based on his own multi-culture system consisting of British Linn CD, Candadian Bryston Pre-amp, US Krell poweramp and Danish Dynaudio speakers.
To the point: I would welcome any speaker suggestions for my system from You, the Naim Audience.
My front-end system consists of:
-CD3.5/Flatcap 2,
-Linn Sondek LP12/Ittok/Asaka, Lingo,
My room is small/medium sized (5 x 4.5 meters). My listening position is about 3 meters from the speakers.
Budget is about 1500 GBP. Some speakers bothering my mind are Totem Arro, Linn Ninka/ESPEK, Living Voice Auditorium, Dynaudio C 1.8 II.
If anyone has an opinion on the above speakers, or suggestions on other brands, please let me know!
Mats S
I've been seeing my Hi-Fi Shrink for some time now. We are discussing my need for new speakers. My shrink has an open attitude, which is good. This is based on his own multi-culture system consisting of British Linn CD, Candadian Bryston Pre-amp, US Krell poweramp and Danish Dynaudio speakers.
To the point: I would welcome any speaker suggestions for my system from You, the Naim Audience.
My front-end system consists of:
-CD3.5/Flatcap 2,
-Linn Sondek LP12/Ittok/Asaka, Lingo,
My room is small/medium sized (5 x 4.5 meters). My listening position is about 3 meters from the speakers.
Budget is about 1500 GBP. Some speakers bothering my mind are Totem Arro, Linn Ninka/ESPEK, Living Voice Auditorium, Dynaudio C 1.8 II.
If anyone has an opinion on the above speakers, or suggestions on other brands, please let me know!
Mats S