Neil Young
Posted by: Bosh on 09 June 2001
He is dfinately the master of guitar rock - so much so that we (my wife & myself) would like to see him again in Rotterdam on July 24th but would like to get some great tickets (up front - close to the stage etc.)
He is on at the Ahoy, Rotterdam, but I can't read Dutch from the Ahoy web site and want to make sure I get good tickets (esp. if travelling all the way from the UK)
Can anybody help?
You can translate the web page using the Altavista 'BabelFish' - try and look for the "Translate" or "translation services" link. You can either cut & paste text, or enter a URL and see the whole page translated.
That should see you right, and you won't end up with "my hovercraft is full of eels" in your ticket request.
PS - Err, well you would, except on inspection, the babelfish doesn't speak Dutch. Sorry!
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
The concert on the 21st of June is sold out. There will be an extra concert the 24th of July. You can order tickets at one of the following numbers: +31-900-2352469 or +31-900-3001250. Peter is right, nearly all Dutch speak English, so don't worry.