"The Hi-Fi+ Show" (Manchester Airport Hilton)

Posted by: Andrew Randle on 16 November 2001

It was cheering to read the massive bollocking Hi-Fi+ gave the HFN Show in Hammersmith. Due to some stupid corporate-imitating prannock in HFN, Hi-Fi+ and other UK-based magazines were banned from appearing at the show. The likely cause was anti-competitive 'strategy'.

Anyway, the current issue (on the shelves now) of the magazine lists the exhibitors, and the content of the show seems encouraging. Providing the hotel is suitable, then it should be a much more comprehensive version of the Chester Show from last year.

There is one problem, Manchester by train takes about 5 hours from West London. Gonna be a 4am start tomorrow morning, but it will be worth it.

Is anyone meeting up at the show? Hopefully I'll meet some familiar naimies and some new faces. Also looking forward to Stallion's Quadraspire demo - if it is still on.

See you there!


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Tony L
Is anyone meeting up at the show?

I'm going on Sunday, and hope to spend most of the day there.


Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
Great! Here's my photo for those who want to say hi, or hit me.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 16 November 2001 by woodface
I was planning to go but have decided to spend the day listening to my own system instead! The London show was so dissapointing last year that I am struggling to get excited about such events.
Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
This will be no London show... the exhibitors are fully aware of the failure of the HFN event. In fact they (www.chestergroup.org) are arranging a show at the Heathrow Hilton, that could run in parallel with the next Novatel flop big grin


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
I was planning to go but have decided to spend the day listening to my own system instead! The London show was so dissapointing last year that I am struggling to get excited about such events.

Short of taking permanent residence in the Naim room (which was the only room that sounded like music to me) I think I'd rather stay home too.


Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Steve Toy
I shall obviously pay Naim a visit, but I'm also going to be looking at at Music Works, Quadraspire, Densen, and Rega, as well as anything else which may take my fancy on the day.

Look out for Ruddles Ales! wink

(BTW, this is not an advert - I haven't drunk the stuff since the brewery was moved from Rutland. frown )

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 16 November 2001 by Jez Quigley
I'm going today around lunchtime(Sat)with Jez junior, and maybe the current Mrs Quigley. Likely place to find me are the Naim room, QS, any other stand maker I happen to spot, the coffee bar, and (frequently)the smoking area and the urinal.
Posted on: 17 November 2001 by FangfossFlyer
Just come back from the Manchester Hi-Fi show.

Must say I was disappointed with the NAIM room even though it was a NAC52 + NAP500 + NBLs and a CDS2 it sounded very digital and gritty. A bit harsh and penetrating to the ears and lack of real base. Some CDs they played were terrible but the odd one (Doors - Riders On The Storm) approached OK - but I am still no CD fan!.

When I got home to my Naim, which I am playing now with some great vinyl I go from Vivante & Diverse Vinyl it blows away the Naim system at Manchester.

I guess you will all say: what do you expect from a hotel room!.

True.... but.....

The room with the Michell Orbe was really-really good and involving. Maybe I need to re-consider my trusted LP12?

Also the room with the Art Loudspeakers (Impressions) - was by far the best with real base. Wow - my poor old SBL's came no where near neither did the NBLs at Naim.

But the Fraim looked great - even if expensive - must dem them at home. Wife says we will have to re-decorate the lounge for them and I may need to replace my black SBLs with..... Impressions??? (but they look too industrial as 'she who must be obeyed' says!).

Anyway I had fun and was glad that my system sounded fantastic when I got home but that Orbe and those Impression speakers - wow - imagine what they would be like outside a hotel room!!!!!


Posted on: 17 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
Actually, I felt that the NBL system rocked. It also needed some little warming up - hence the grittiness. However, the fundamantals were there. The room was much better than the Chester Show, albeit on the big side.

Highlights were the Living Voice room, once Kevin dumped the faulty Wadia in favour of a lucious Helios Model 1. Some serious sharing of music went on in that room, which is what I like to see smile .

Sim Moon gear rocked.

Roy Gregory's LP/CD/DVD-A/SACD comparison demo was well executed, a lot of painstaking effort has gone into that.

The new Royd RR2s were sounding fantastic on the end of a CDX/82/180. However, the exhibitors (Audio Counsel) were swapping the mains with and without a power-block filter.... sounded better without!

Linn were supposed to be there, but didn't show up.

Overall this was a fairly small get-together. About 100 exhibitors, if that. However, I enjoyed myself more than at the last Novotel show (Y2K).

Nowadays, I know the direction my system will be going. So the reason for going is to share music with the exhibitors from Naim/Living Voice. My next pay cheque is in for a battering, so mission accomplished.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 17 November 2001 by Ali
Too far to go from London. So, some queries--first, about the Audio Counsel mains leads and block--the leads that sounded better without the block: were they Audio Counsel mains leads?

And what about Roy Gregory's dem? Did LP/vinyl win the day? WHat equipment was he using? How close did SACD come? And how did CD sound?

Would love to know---thanks


Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Jez Quigley
I couldn't get in the plus demo, all the tickets had gone except for late in the day when I had to be gone. Shame 'bout that.

The main Naim demo was a bit harsh around the edges, but as I think Andrew said, the fundamentals were there. In the Naim AV room everyone, including the current Mrs Quigley and Jez junior were riveted by the Dr. Who thingy, but why SO loud. Now I like loud, let me say again I like LOUD, but as Jez junior commented "well if YOU think its too loud, then it must be".

I got to see the new,new, QS.The S.O. type table vs QS worked for me enough to want to seriously home dem (read 'buy'). Mrs Q thought they look better than the Fraim, her previous favourites from photos.

The Living Voice sounded fab, as did one of the tube rooms, but I can't remember which (DOH!)

Jez jun is a very un-possessions oriented guy, and normally would prefer to have his fingernails pulled out than spend any money (God only knows where he got that trait from), but as a result of the show he now wants a serious home theatre system, not the bit of wire from the digitalTV to the 72 we have now.

Afterwards we went on to the Trafford Centre where there is an 'entertainment' area. After listening to the fine stuff at the Hilton, Jez jun and Mrs Q are really aware now how truly awful most other sound systems are. Mission accomplished.

So well worth the effort in getting to the show and, almost, the £8.25 paid for 3 Hilton coffees.

Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Alex S.
the current Mrs Quigley
No offence, but what's the matter? Are you continually upgrading?


Posted on: 18 November 2001 by count.d
Richard Olsen

The "Riders On The Storm" track by The Doors has recently been remastered on cd. It was released in 2000, in a special "lp" looking packaging and sounds superb. You can also buy a "Complete Studio Recordings" box set with the same quality.

Andrew Randle

The Audio Councel demonstration was far better with the mains extension block. Each to his own. It is not a filter.


The Audio Councel mains block has a plug at one end attached to a block of 4 or 6 sockets by a mains lead. Simple as that. wink They were only plugging the equipment either into the mains socket or into their mains block. The leads from the Naim equipment were standard Naim.

Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
Too far to go from London. So, some queries--first, about the Audio Counsel mains leads and block--the leads that sounded better without the block: were they Audio Counsel mains leads?
And what about Roy Gregory's dem? Did LP/vinyl win the day? WHat equipment was he using? How close did SACD come? And how did CD sound?

Firstly, it may have been the Audio Counsel's own block (as they were doing to demo). It did smooth the sound, at the expense of timing.

With Roy Gregory's demo, IMHO vinyl sounded miles ahead of CD/DVD-A/SACD (!!!). The final part of the demo involved comparing the same record on DVD-A and SACD. The problem was, that the presentation sounded totally different! My theory was that the Eq was set differently for SACD and DVD-A....

This demo also showed that there is a lot of mileage to the fact that turbo charging the CD player replay technology (as all serious hi-fi companies do) goes a long way... the high-end CD players were very close in quality to the DVD/SACD players.


Andrew Randle
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[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on SUNDAY 18 November 2001 at 12:49.]

Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
so my question is about Living Voice. What was their system?

Firstly they started with a Wadia 86x cd player. This was player abandoned - it wasn't sounding right (very mechanical and sterile), Kevin reckoned that the player was suffering some fault. Swapping this for the considerably less expensive Helios Model 1 ($1500) dramatically improved the sound, making it more lush with lots of meaning behind the tunes.

The amplifier was a Canary Audio class B valve integrated with Border Patrol power supply.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
Mrs Quigley and Jez junior were riveted by the Dr. Who thingy

I was there too. Apparently it was a hidden track on a DVD. Don't know what CD or how to get the 'Easter Egg'.

Can someone let us know?


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Steve Toy
I am jolly glad you made it the shorter distance over to the Naim Forum. smile

A warm welcome to the land of heated debates...

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 18 November 2001 by Ali
Thanks to countd. and Andrew Randle for answering my questions. But I am now worried by Mike Mcdonald's response! I know that the original Audio Counsel guys have split along the Cheadle-Olham axis, but I thought the Music Works stuff was essentially a Cheadle product and that although now marketed under the name Audioworks (which I believe is also the new name of the Cheadle guys)it is the 'original' Musicworks kit. Mike M seems to be suggesting that the dem at the Manchester show was done by--? Cheadle or Oldham?
Who is calling their product/shop what?

Please enlighten me

Thanks very much

Al confused

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
I'm looking forward to Bristol already...(where Naim will demonstrate their new pre-amp to partner the NAP 500)

Just like they did at Manchester. What, you didn't notice?


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
do you mean that a CDS2 or Linn CD12 were very close to a "simple" SONY DVD/SACD player or what?

No, they were using a Tom Evans Eikos and a champagne coloured slim Marantz CD player. The SACD and DVD-A players were roughly £2k... from some Japanese manufacturers.

Anyways the record deck, some German kontraption with RB300, was better.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Jez Quigley
Well well, I agree with Stallion's assessment of Manchester - except that I didn't get to hear the mains lead dems so I can't comment on that, and the Creek/Epos room sounded poor(on Saturday at least)- and I am an Epos fan.

To Alex S. - I call her 'the current Mrs.Quigley' to keep her on her toes wink

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Andrew Randle
did not know Tome Evans was manufacturing a CD player!
only tought he was "grooving" and "micro grooving"
Apparently he has not got the same success in digital ...?

Well Tom Evans is also involved with Trichord - amps and clock modifications. The Eikos has received many accolades from several of the magazines. However, in this setup it was difficult to really get a feel for the player, particularly as they were only playing snatches of music. The only clear winner was the turntable, although I did note that the Eikos had more headroom, to cope with louder music events, than the cheaper Marantz.

The CDX would probably dumped on the Eikos, and the German turntable. Such is the complication of this game.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Andrew Randle



Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 19 November 2001 by mykel
Is a Tom Evans modified Pioneer PDS904.
It goes for about 3500 pounds.

There is a review in the Nov / Dec HiFi+ if anybody is disinterested.

Also in the HiFi+ is RR1, FB1, Fraim, and Magnum Dynalab tuner. All are rated very well - especialy the fraim.

Can anybody sum up the recent re-review of the Linn Kan, ( Listener I think ) I cannot find it in any shops in my area. Being I own a pair, I would like a review for posterity.



Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Craig B
What CDNAIT 2 input did you decide to run the groove through, and does it groove better through one over the other?
