It was cheering to read the massive bollocking Hi-Fi+ gave the HFN Show in Hammersmith. Due to some stupid corporate-imitating prannock in HFN, Hi-Fi+ and other UK-based magazines were banned from appearing at the show. The likely cause was anti-competitive 'strategy'.
Anyway, the current issue (on the shelves now) of the magazine lists the exhibitors, and the content of the show seems encouraging. Providing the hotel is suitable, then it should be a much more comprehensive version of the Chester Show from last year.
There is one problem, Manchester by train takes about 5 hours from West London. Gonna be a 4am start tomorrow morning, but it will be worth it.
Is anyone meeting up at the show? Hopefully I'll meet some familiar naimies and some new faces. Also looking forward to Stallion's Quadraspire demo - if it is still on.
See you there!
Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Dev B
Hi, I'm always kinda interested in analogue. I didn't really like the Tom Evans when I heard it, a bit too round earth for me. I used to own a Linto when it first out (in fact I ditched my Prefix for it) but in the long term it didn't work out either.
Posted on: 21 November 2001 by Tony L
Did any one hear or see the new Rega P9 at Manchester?
No, it was not there. I asked the Rega sales guy what the sketch was though. The new P9 is very near being ready, he claimed he was getting one himself in two weeks time. It is still a non-suspended deck, though it will be larger and have a more posh wooden surround. The white ceramic platter is retained from the old P9. The new and improved PSU will be housed in the current Rega case, and the new arm will allegedly be a absolute stunner. The arm is all metal, the plastic bias housing is getting dumped, and the arm will have a high gloss polished aluminium finish. Bearing tolerances are even tighter than the RB900. Still no VTA adjustment. He implied that the new deck would kick the current P9 to death. Expected to retail for under 2.5k. Rega are looking at producing a MC cartridge for it too. Sounds interesting.
Posted on: 21 November 2001 by count.d
Ian S
Your a welcome junior member, because you have described exactly what I have been posting here.
The music works block did give the sound a slght brighter sound, but definately lost something in the musical sense.
The Audio Councel block.... well you said it all.
It's good to hear someone else had the same opinion as me.
Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Mike Sae
Rega told Tony L:
the arm will have a high gloss polished aluminium finish
I hate how shiny is perceived as "good".
I rather liked the sandblasted matte finish of the RB900.
I'm looking forward to the new P9. I'm hoping to pick up an old P9, which should theoretically flood the used market.